Chapter 7

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I turn back to look at her but she doesn't meet my gaze, instead she looks at her feet while kicking some of the dirt in front of her nervously.

"You want to ride me?"

She returns my gaze with an embarrassed and shocked one and for a moment I don't understand her confusion until I retrace what I've said and immediately turn beat red myself.

"Oh shit no! I didn't mean ride me! I meant my back not my... uh... That's not what I meant Kagome we're just friends." I catch a smile appearing on her face and finally stop my nervous rambling.

"What the hell you smiling about!?"

Her smile widens.

"You said we were friends."

I let out an exasperated sigh.

"That's all you got from that! Damn Kagome just get on my back before I change my mind!"

Turning and crouching down in front of her she let's out a huff before resting her hands on my shoulders.

"Alright hold on tight."

Before she can answer I quickly wrap my arms under her legs and take my leave, running at full sped as I feel her body react by gripping my shoulders harshly and digging her face into my back.

Smirking to myself I keep my pace and after awhile she pulls away from my back and relaxes.

"This is amazing!" She squeals.

I shake my head before lightly landing at the edge of the valley, Kagome quickly sliding off my back and moving to stand beside me as she look up at the stars.

Her eyes, I can't help but stare at them, so full of life and excitement just from looking into the night sky and seeing some silly stars, a woman of simplicity, the best kind really.

She turns her head to look at me, shooting me the most beautiful smile I've ever seen. Maybe she is kinda pretty but that doesn't mean I like her, I can just appreciate the beauty in someone can't I?

Suddenly I feel her arms wrapping around my torso tightly as she pushes her face into my side.

Her words are muffled by my clothing but luckily I hear her.

"Thank you InuYasha this is so beautiful, better than anything I could have imagined. "

I wrap my arms loosely around her back.

"It's nothing really."

She looks up at me, her eyes pooling with an emotion I've never seen before, but I can't say I don't like it.

"Sit with me?" She asks softly.

I nod following her lead as we sit together our sides brushing against each other's.

For a moment we sit in silence until she speaks again.

"I really like you InuYasha and I'm sure others would to if you showed them who you truly are."

"The world isn't meant for my kind Kagome and that's ok with me. I've accepted it I'm not looking for sympathy because I know that's the way things have to be, I have to hide who, and what I truly am because the world isn't ready to accept a hanyou."

She shakes her head softly before reaching over and taking my hand in hers, making me blush.

Her eyes meet mine again as she rubs her thumb softly against my hand. "The world is missing out then, but I'm glad I'm not. I've never been as comfortable with a man as I am with you."

I didn't think it was possible for my blush to deepen but it certainly was now.

"You're so kind when you want to be InuYasha and you're helping me with my wishes even though you don't have to, and that's truly amazing."

I shrug.

"You're giving me to much credit Kagome I'm only helping you with two of your wishes so it's not that great. "

She smiles.

"Two is better than none, if it wasn't for you I'd never be able to see this amazing view."

Her gaze doesn't leave mine and I laugh lightly.

"You do realize you've been staring at me almost this whole time right?"

She nods. "Exactly

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