Insecure-mike conley (4 zoie)

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Zoie was on the phone with her best friend.

Zoie of course tells her best friend everything.

Including about Her and mikes sex life.

"I just want him to be a little more rough' like he's so caring and I love that about him but I just want him to you know." Zoie said.

"Handle me more roughly, like my exes would handle me"Zoie said laughing.

What zoie didn't know was that her loving boyfriend had heard everything she had told her friend.

-after phone call-

"Babe" zoie called.

Wondering where her boyfriend had went.

"Yeah" mike said coming from downstairs.

"Come her I wanna cuddle" Zoie said.

"K come here" mike said opening his arms and sitting next to her on the couch.

Zoie was in his lap in a matter of seconds as soon as he said come here.

After a couple of minutes of cuddling and giving a little kisses.

They both had began to make out.


"Let's take this upstairs" zoie said smirking into the kiss.

Mike had walked up the stairs with zoie around his waist.

When he got to there room.

He sat her on the bed as roughly as he could.

Which almost made Zoie fall.

"Owe" zoie said.

"Sorry, babe" mike said kissing down her neck.

"It's ok keep going" she answered.

Well that's what mike did he kept going.

Mike kept kissing her until he reached her shirt.

When Zoie sat up to take her shirt off, mike had so how tore her bra off her.

"Oww" Zoie screamed this time.

"Okay that's it tell me what's wrong right now cause you've never been this rough with me babe" Zoie said concerned.

Mike sighed ready to tell her how he felt.

"Well I heard you on the phone earlier with your best friend, and you talked about how I wasn't rough like your exes and I got insecure cause you compared me to your exes, like are they better than me at they have a bigger d$:@: than you want them back." Mike confessed.

"Baby forget I ever said that I was being stupid you are way better in bed than my exes are, whether your gentle or rough you'll always be better than them. And hell to the no I don't want them back cause I have you, and 'do they have a bigger d&/& than me' is that even a question. Of course your bigger" Zoie finished off laughing.

"So now let me show you why I want you and not them" Zoie said with a smile on her face.

Zoie got on her hands and knees on the bed and took off mikes pants and boxers.

"Babe" Mike moaned.

Zoie took it in her mouth until she decided it was time to get what she wanted.

"Lay on the bed daddy" she said to mike.

Mike did exactly that.

Zoie rode mike until they both reached.

"Did that show you mike" Zoie asked.

"Yes now its my turn to show you that your my one and only" mike said laying Zoie on her back.

They both took a deep breathe getting ready for round 2.

Again 😂😂😂I felt werid writing this but did anyway (not like horny)

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