CJ McCollum- Interview

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This one is also long overdue.

I have a BAD habit.

Which is procrastination.

Yet, I have a book, lol.

This one is for you, Kenz❤️.

I hope you enjoy it.


Kenz POV:

"Notepad" I asked myself.



"Check" I said then snapped my fingers.

"Do I have my binder?"

I am currently checking to see if I have all of my materials for todays' interview in my bag.

I bet your still confused, let me explain what's going on right now.

I am a journalist/ sportscastor for ESPN News.

So I am basically packing up the equipment I am going to need for later.

I was given the task of interviewing certain players on the Portland Trail Blazers, and I was honesly, excited because I am a HUGE fan of that team.

They play fantastic and just so happen to have jaw dropping players on the squad, so I was high key nervous in who the players were going to be because I wouldn't I know until I got there.

I looked around the hotel room I was staying in to see if my binder was scattered anywhere in the vincinity.

Surprisingly, it was, so I picked it up and quickly put it in my bag, and zipped the bag to close and secure it.

I already had my outfit on, so I quickly glanced at myself in the mirror, fixing and moving my hair in the appropriate direction it was suppoed to lay in, once I was satisfied with my appearrance, I headed straight for the door.

I stopped infront of it making sure I hadn't forgot ANYTHING, and while in the process of thinking my phone started ringing.

Across from where I was.

I let out a sigh of relief.

I am so glad I told my mother to call me at 3:30 because if she hadn't I would have been out of luck.

I quickly walked to get my phone and pressed the accept button.

"Hey, baby" my mother said.

"Hey, Mom" I said smiling.

"Did me calling help you remeber?" she asked.

"Yes... yes it did" I laughed.

"Momma, I'm going to have to call you later, I got to go" I said grabbing my keys and exciting the door.

"Okay, baby, Love ya" She replied.

"Love ya too, Bye" I said.


I put my phone away in my pocket.

And while I looked down to put my phone away, I had accidently ran into someone.

It wasn't enough force to make me fall on the ground, but it was a hard hit.

"Oh My Gosh, Are you okay?" The voice asked.

I looked up to see no other than Cj McCollum standing infront of me.

"I'm okay" I assured him.

I dusted myself off before I spoke again.

"Are you okay, you're the one whose got a game tonight" I giggled.

"I'm good, and I'm well rested for tonight" He giggled while responding.

"So, what's your name" he asked.

"It's Kenz" I replied.

We were both walking to the elevator as we were talking.

When we reached the elevator he had given me back a piece of paper that fell from my pocket.

"Thanks'' I said.

"No, problem" He replied pressing two numbers on the elevator so we could move to another floor.

"Well, I would ask for your name but I think I know it already" I said playfully.

"I'm sure you do" he laughed.

The elevator dinged right as he was about to say something again.

"This is my stop, It was nice to meet you and goodluck on your game tonight" I said with a wave.

"See ya" He replied back.

I quicky walked to my car and got in.


At the Arena


I was now in the back waiting for the players to come here.

The Portland Trail Blazers won there game against the New Orleans Pelicans.

So I had questions wrote down about the win tonight.

Everything was set up, so I went back to check, but just as I was about to get up the players walked in.

Zach Collins, Damian Lillard, and Cj McCollum.

There was a limited number on the players that could be interviewed.

There were me and Two other reporters.

Each reporter was given one player, and to my surprise I got Cj McCollum.

He walked up to me and asked, "Aren't you the woman I bumped into ealier today?".

I nervously chuckled and nodded yes.

"I'm going to love this" He said.




"Thanks for answering my questions'' I said once we had finished.

"No problem" He nodded.

"Where they hard to answer" I quenstioned.

"Yes, but only because I was nervous" He said looking at me.

"You're nervous, I'm the one that should be nervous" I said.

"Why were you nervous" I procedded to ask.

"Because I was looking at a beautiful face" He said looking at me intently.

I blushed.

"Let me take you out, Ms. Kenz" He asked.

"If I say yes, will you stop looking at me that way" I said trying to block my face because I was cheesing so hard.

"I can't make those type of promises but I'll try" He said back with a smirk.

"Okay" I said looking at him.

"Okay" he said looking at me back with a smile on his face like he had just won the lottery.


I hope you liked it, Kenz.

It is very long.

but I love it.

Took me forever to upload because of the snow storms going on right now.

Im praying for everyone in TEXAS right now because they have it worse.

Don't forget to


I love you, Girlies.❤️❤️❤️❤️

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