It was all Matt's idea, he just needed a little push to get started. He'd been talking about sending informational emails out and then it occurred to him that half an hour, once a month, would be more efficient and less time consuming. Well, it was Bobby who pointed that out. Nora and Brian thought it was a great idea too, but they insisted that as future CEO, Matt should be the one to take charge.

"Good Morning, Bobby." Nora said as she entered the meeting room, Brian in tow.

"Good Morning." Bobby said as she finished pulling up the short presentation that she'd prepared for Matt to use as a guide.

A few minutes later, the conference room was packed to capacity and, as usual, Matt still wasn't in.

"Lida here." The sound came through the conference room speakers as Justin announced them.  Once Nora's assistant, Justin had been entrusted with managing the Lida office ever since Nicholas Lida retired.

"Great- just a few more minutes everyone and we can get started." Bobby said, looking through the conference room glass and searching for Matt.

Nora and Brian looked at each other with a sigh- that boy was almost always late. It was insane that he had actually managed to finish school, let alone get two master degrees when he couldn't even make it to the Monday meeting on time.

"I'll go get him." Brian said but Bobby shook her head, looking at her wrist watch.

"He'll be here in three... Two..." Bobby said as the elusive Matt finally walked through the door.

"Good Morning." He said, his voice full of energy and looking fresh as a peach. The good mornings were murmured as Bobby stepped aside to let him take control.

"I trust everyone had a good weekend. Today we have a few things to go over..." Matt began, as always unapologetic about his tardiness. 

Bobby watched him, taking notes as he spoke. He was late, always late but she'd practically got it down to a science in knowing just how late he'd be for what.

"The Agenda: last month's results, this month's goals, media, staff updates, and office updates." Matt said, reading the agenda off the screen before proceeding to the first slide and quickly working through the first three topics.

"Staff: as you all know, our long time VP of Operations, Marc Herring, will be retiring at the end of the week. Marc has been with Lida and Volstack since the beginning, 32 years ago and before then with Volstack for 7 years. We wish him the best- please make sure you take a moment to drop by his office and shower him with gifts and compliments." Matt said and a round of applause suddenly broke loose, making Marc laugh and mutter many thank yous.

"You know- I'm expecting you to be a model housewife." Emma whispered to Marc while Matt continued talking. He smiled, reaching out to grab her hand beneath the table.

"I would if you finally make an honest man of me." He said, making Emma roll her eyes. That man had been insisting since the beginning but Emma had always been reluctant to let go of her freedom, even if they had been living together for over 25 years.

"We'd also like to announce that as of next week, Nicholas Carlton will be taking over the VP of Operations role- round of applause for the handsome new executive." Matt said, making Bobby shake her head. Matt was always working jokes into the meeting, especially the kind where he complimented himself. "Finally- the new Marketing Manager, Lisa Werstak, will be arriving tomorrow and I expect everyone will give her a very warm welcome."

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