Chapter 11

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(Y/n) glanced back at the dark-haired figure for a moment, a sullen look over her features upon seeing the expression on his face. She merely nodded her head in response, settled down against the pillows. It took a while, but eventually, she managed to fall asleep. It wasn't long after that she began to struggle, a few small sounds of discomfort coming from the girl as she tossed and turned, turning over and burying her head in his chest in her frantic unconscious state. Ruki noticed her movements in the middle of the night and tried to comfort her by wrapping his arms around her gently.
"Don't worry, I'm right here." He whispered while her head was buried in his chest. "You're safe, as long as you're with me..." He knew what she was going through at the moment. He as well, used to toss and turn in the middle of the night, having vivid nightmares about his past. (Y/n's) form still shook for a while, though it seemed to calm down a bit with his cold arms wrapped around her form. After a long while, she began to settle, a rather peaceful expression coming over her face as she settled down beside him, gently holding onto the front of his shirt.
"Nnn.. Ruki.. Sama," She muttered softly in her sleep, moving towards him to rest on him even more. Ruki started to cuddle (y/n) closer and eventually comfort her until she had calm down. He drifted too sleep afterwards until the next day, he woke up an hour before school started. (Y/n) was still sleeping peacefully beside him, her head resting on his chest, and her (h/c) hair slightly tangled and tousled from her sleep. She had a light grip on the front of his shirt with one hand, the other clutching the small rabbit close to her chest. "Nn.." She mumbled softly as he stirred a bit, her grip on his shirt only tightening in response. Ruki gently tried to pry (y/n's) fingers off his shirt slowly without waking her, so that he could prepare for school and make breakfast for the two of them and his brothers of course. Once he did that, a quietly got off the bed and went to the bathroom to fix himself up and change. It wasn't long before he was downstairs making breakfast. The aroma of food filled the mansion.

[Diabolik Lovers] - Perfect (Ruki Mukami X Abused! Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora