Chapter 2

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"Cousins?" He looked at her while he led her to the guest room to put her bags down. "I don't have cousins at all, I only have three other brothers which all of us were adopted, and I'm the eldest." He spoke. (Y/n) looked around her new room for a moment, still uneasy about all of this, though she tried to hide it to the best of her ability. 

"I figured as much," She muttered softly. Of course he had lied. Her idiotic father lied about everything in her life, and it seemed to be his goal to make her as miserable as possible. "Then.. Why am I here? Who the hell are you people?" 

"My name is Ruki Mukami, my brothers are in their rooms, besides one who's currently in the garden they will introduce themselves once they see you. Just make yourself comfortable here, don't worry my brothers and I won't do anything to you." (Yet...) he smiled then added, "Why don't you come downstairs for some tea?"

"Wait... Brothers? (Y/n) questioned, her eyes widening a bit with surprise, making another small gulp emit from the girl. "There... There are more?" She questioned him, a small sigh of annoyance coming from the female, her light blue gaze settling on the ground. "I.. I guess so.. Can I.. Have (favorite tea)...?" 

"Of course," he smiled. "I have a variety of teas that you can choose from in the kitchen...I'll let you pick what you want for your first stay." He then led (y/n) to the kitchen where the tea was. (Y/n) nodded her head, rising to her feet as she followed him through the house, her gaze flicking over the different decorations and rooms through the mansion. 

"You.. Still didn't answer my question," She told him, her observation skills showing through a bit as she glanced up at the male. "Why am I here? And.. Don't lie to me. Just.. Tell me the truth..."

"...You're here because, we wanted you to be in a much safer place of course." He lied secretly to her, but showed no signs. He couldn't help it, he wouldn't know how she would react if she found out the real truth about why she's here. He didn't wanted her to get a little comfortable around the place before speaking out the real reason of why she's here. Speaking the truth, even (y/n's) father doesn't know the true purpose for why she was here. He quickly brewed her tea that (y/n) wanted and set the tea on the living room table along with his cup."

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