Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

*Author's P.O.V*

"Is he gone?" Harry whispers while slowly coming out of the room.

"Yeah he is." Niall answers before he is hit in the face with a piece of clothing.

"What the hell is that?" Harry asks, watching as he looks at the clothing.

"Me and the guys thought it would funny to buy it for you a while back and it was on sale." Niall explains, trying to contain his laughter.

The clothing is a short black and lacey dress. It really doesn't leave anything to the imagination. He takes the clothing back from him then make his way to the bedroom. He closes the door and locks it before tossing the clothing on the bed. His hands are place on his lips as he starts to pace back and forth. A bright idea comes to his head but he doesn't know if he should do it. He doesn't want Niall to look at him as if he's crazy. A few minutes go by before he says fuck it and starts to take off his jacket and shirt. Now for the hard part. The skirt. He looks around the room for some lotion and once he finds it he starts to apply it on his legs. A lot of lotion and a bunch of hard tugs later, he's able to get the skirt off.

"Harry what are you doing?" Niall questions once he sees his boyfriend standing next to him a few minutes later.

"I honestly have no idea." Harry answers before gigging uncontrollably as his cheeks turn red.

"It looks like childs' clothing on you." Niall states as he grabs the ruffles at the end and shakes them.

"Ew don't say that. I thought I could help you take your mind off of that prick that came by." Harry informs, nibbling on his bottom lip.

"By wearing that? Can you even breath right now?" Niall asks as he pokes his stomach.

"Yes and yes. I thought that maybe I could you know do something while I was in it." Harry explains, hoping he would get the hint as he looks at his crotch.

"You don't have to do that if you don't want to. I told you we can take things slow." Niall responds as his eyes grow wide.

"No I want to. I mean we've already had sex and this is going to happen at some point so why not learn now." Harry replies with a shrug.

"Okay before we do that can you run to my car and get a big brown box from the trunk for the dog?" Niall asks as he takes out his keys then tossing it to him.

Harry nods his head then goes back to the bedroom as his boyfriend goes to the bathroom. He goes to his dresser and tries to find some bottoms that could fit him. Fortunately, he finds some black sweatpants that aren't too big. He puts them on then his shoes. There's no need for him to put on a jacket since he's going to be in and out. The dress looks like a shirt on him anyway so no one would question him. He leaves the apartment then make his way to the car. Unfortunately, he fails to spot Jonathan standing next to his own car while smoking a cigarette. When he get what he came for and head back to the entrance, he notices him. His eyes don't waste a second as they roll in annoyance.

"Can I offer you a cigarette my lady?" Jonathan asks while holding one out to a startled Harry.

"It's bad for my health so I'll kindly pass on it but please keep enjoying it for me." Harry answers, trying not to let his face turn into disgust.

"So is lying to my stepson about you being a girl." Jonathan hisses out as he flicks his cigarette to the ground then steps on it.

"He isn't your stepson anymore so you don't have a say in his personal life or my life for that matter." Harry argues, wishing Niall would have been the one to come out here.

"That's not the point. The point is you and every other fag on this planet are trying to turn him gay. Your kind needs to be removed from this earth. Once he finds out the truth, expect him to beat the living crap out of you." Jonathan growls out while moving in front of the entrance.

"If I didn't know any better, it sounds like you are a closet gay and this is your way of expressing it. That can only be the logical answer since I know you were checking me out." Harry teases and if looks could kill he would be dead within seconds.

"Don't ever let some idiotic thing like that come from your mouth again or so help me God." Jonathan replies as he clench his fists.

"I'm not afraid of you so nothing you say can affect me so please step the fuck aside." Harry responds really wanting to tell him the truth but he doesn't know what this man might do to his boyfriend.

"Maybe verbally I can't but physically I can." Jonathan states before reaching out and grabbing his arm.

This man is definitely crazy is the first thing that comes to his mind. He's bold enough to actually try and hurt him in public. The box in his hands fall as his arm is tugged harshly. The fall doesn't seem to damage anything inside though. This catches the eye of the neighbors near by that start to slowly make their way over. Thankfully, Niall comes out the building curious as to why he's taking so long. He didn't expect to see his stepdad holding onto his boyfriend's arms tightly as he forces him against his car. This is something he definitely can't let happen. He yanks him off his boyfriend then shoves him a good distance. A few of the neighbors hold back Jonathan while trying to decide if they should call the cops.

"That's a fucking fag you're defending. He's corrupting you. I was trying to protect you son." Jonathan spits out while trying to break free.

"He's still a human being that you don't have the right to put your hands on. " Niall responds, wanting to punch him in the throat."And stop calling me son because I'm fucking not."

"I'm fine. I was just gonna kick him in the nuts anyway." Harry says about to pick up the box but he's stop.

"Harry your arms. I should break his neck for this." Niall grumbles as he looks at the very red fingerprints on his arms.

"It doesn't hurt as much so it'll heal soon." Harry explains but he knows he'll regret saying that later when his adrenaline calms down.

"You knew he was a fag? You're a fag too?" Jonathan shouts out, making the blonde feel exposed suddenly as everyone looks at him.

"Hey. It's alright. Look at me please." Harry says as he reaches out for him as he starts to back away from him."Ignore that asshole."

"Sir we're calling the cops on you because you're clearly a threat to everyone around here." A female informs with her phone press to her ear.

"Niall." Harry calls out, watching him run back into the building almost tripping over his own feet.



Thoughts??? Predictions??? Alright imma head out.🏃🏃🏃


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