Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

*Author's P.O.V*

"I'm so glad I get to work from home because I can not deal with all that face to face encounters." Zayn states as they leave the shelter.

"We deal with the animals most of the time so I'm not complaining." Harry responds with a shrug.

"I like your outfit." A female says just as the curly hair male opens the car door.

"Thank you so much." Harry replies while smiling brightly with his cheeks blushing just a tad bit.

"You should ride with Zayn since I'm going to go back and talk to Veronica for a while." Niall suggests, heading back to the building.

"Is everything alright?" Zayn asks as he takes out his keys only to receive a nod.

"Drive safe. We'll see you later." Harry responds then makes his way over to the other car.

Harry gets inside Zayn's car and looks out the window at the direction his friend went. He hopes that it's not about anything serious because he'll want to know too. The moment they pull away another car pulls into the parking lot. The car parks a few feet away from Niall's car and the windows roll down to reveal Katherine and Damon. They wait for thirty minutes before they spot Niall coming out the building seeming to be in deep thought. Damon gets out the car to have a smoke since he knows this is going to be a while. Next, Katherine gets out the car quickly then approaches him when his back is turn to her. Niall looks over his shoulder once he hears someone then let's a heavy sigh when he sees them.

"Go away Katherine before I file a restraining order against you." Niall threatens while unlocking his car door.

"If you just let me be your friend, then I'll back off." She states, reaching for him but he turns around in time to push her hand away.

"No. How about you turn around and fuck off." Niall replies, pointing to her car.

"Deep down I don't think you want me to do that or else you would have been gotten in your car and drove off." She responds, giving him a small smile.

"I mean I don't want to go to jail for running someone over so I'm giving you an opportunity to get in your car." Niall says while giving her a fake smile.

"You wouldn't hurt me. I'm sure of that." She states with a quiet laugh.

"And what could possibly make you think that?" Niall asks with a roll of his eyes.

"Because we had something special that you can't deny. Just as much I am apart of you, you are apart of me. There's no escaping that." She answers, reaching out to grab his hand that is in a fist.

"Do you hear youself? You sound like you want to be lovers again and not friends. I want to be neither of those things. You've permanently damaged all of that when you decided my loyalty, honesty, and forgiveness was something to your advantage." Niall says really hoping that she will finally take the hint now.

"I don't know why you're so set on this wannabe man. Just leave him alone to cry like he usually does." Damon taunts as he flicks his cigarette to the ground.

"You want to run that by me one more time?" Niall asks, rolling up his selves as he walks over to him.

Damon just gives him the middle finger and that is enough to send a punch to his face. Katherine just stands there and watches them fight. She looks around to make sure that nobody comes over to stop them. She wants to prove her point to the blonde hair male. A few seconds go by before she goes to break up the fight when Niall doesn't stop attacking Damon. She pulls them apart but the blonde is quick to push her hand off his shoulder. She helps Damon into the car while Niall makes his way back to his car. She runs over to him just as he opens his far and wipes the blood from under his nose. She grabs his shoulder and is surprise when he doesn't shove her away again.

"I know you still care for me or else you wouldn't have gotten into that fight. I'm not going to hurt you again. Trust me." She says as he turns around to look at her.

"I didn't do that for you. I did that because he was talking about me and not about you." Niall replies, glancing over at Damon, who is checking out his swollen right eye and crooked nose.

"Believe that if that will make you feel better but I know the truth." She says, which makes him scoff quietly.

"All you cause is headaches and right now you're making mine ten times worse. If you really love me or want to make me happy, then just stop trying." Niall explains, causing her to frown.

"Shouldn't it account for something that I'm trying? My purpose of being back is not to make you suffer or anything else. I don't want to be a bad memory in your mind." She confesses, resisting the urge to kiss him.

"Just take Damon to get clean up and try to live the rest of your life without me." Niall says, pinching the bridge of his nose.

She slowly reaches forward to wipe some of the blood from his face. She manages to get some of it off before he slowly guides her hand away from his face. She holds in a gasp when she sees his eyes swell with tears. She has never seen him cry since knowing him. He's only just been super upset. She doesn't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. He looks into her eyes deeply before getting inside of his car. The moment he closes the door he let's the few tears stream down his face. He drives away before she can get a clear view of it. He never really like crying. He's fine with men crying but for him it made him super uncomfortable.

The drive home is hell for him because he goes through a pack of cigarettes since he's so on edge. He's not a heavy smoker as most people think. He smokes every once in a while. He gets even more upset when he can't find another pack that can ease his mind. He hates being in his car when he's not happy because that's when his mind attacks him the most with questions and possibilities. He hates himself for allowing himself to become so upset by Katherine. For years, he has been telling himself to harden himself from anything dealing with her. However, he's here now crying, frustrated, and upset.

Twenty minutes later he enters his home with a sigh. He closes the door then locks it before walking into the living room. He throws his keys across the room with a yell. He then makes his way over to the glass cup that catches his eyes. He grabs it then slams it against the wall. The pieces shatters everywhere and that doesn't seem to help him. He spends the next five minutes trashing his apartment a bit. He looks at his mess then makes his way to the bedroom. He falls onto his back on the bed, trying to stop the next round of tears but it is too late. His emotions get the better of him and he up ends taking a two hour nap.



Thoughts??? Predictions???


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