Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

*Author P.O.V*

"Just to make this clear, I won't be wearing girly clothes everyday and stuff. This is going to be like once in a while." Harry explains and Niall looks at him with a smile.

"That is completely fine. If it makes you feel better, I will change my nail color to whatever female outfit you wear." Niall says, flashing his black nails.

"We're ready to go you guys!" Liam shouts before Harry can get a chance to reply back to the blonde male.

They get out of their seats and go inside. Niall makes sure his cigarette is finish before he throws it in a trash bin. Harry quickly runs into his room to pack his backup clothes, making sure that none of his friends sees him doing it. He comes back out his room and continue his walk with his friend. Niall takes a sip of his beer as his free arm wraps around Harry's shoulder and pulls him close. The contact catches Harry by surprise since he is drinking. Nevertheless, he enjoys the action. They leave the apartment and go to Zayn's car. Liam and Louis are fighting to see who will get to ride in the passenger seat. Their arguing makes the green eye male laugh to himself. Liam ends up getting the passenger seat since he is physically a bit more stronger than Louis. Harry and Louis both call the window seat, leaving Niall to sit inbetween them. He doesn't mind though.

Zayn starts the car as Harry gets on his phone to explore Twitter. He tenses up when he feels the blonde hair male lean in close to his side to look at his phone as well. He can smell the beer and cigarette when he breaths but he doesn't mind. He mentally tells himself to relax and stop over thinking things. It is just he is still not use to Niall being very expressive to him. He use to him being that way to everyone else. The gestures aren't in a sexual way either. The gestures are more of a friendly way. He nearly loses it when Niall sees something funny on his phone and laughs into his neck. He can feel his lips against a vein in his neck and the feeling sends a tingle in that area. His skin follows along to the rhythm of his laugh. This is so much for him to take in right now.

A wave of relief washes over him when Niall stops laughing and pulls away from him to check his own phone. He tries to focus back on his phone but all he can think about is how Niall's lips felt against his neck. It isn't in a sexual way though. The feeling is as if someone put a soft, plump pillow on his neck. He wants to reach up so bad and feel his neck but he restrains himself from doing so. It would probably look weird. He is so in his head that he doesn't realize that Niall's hand is resting on his thigh with his thumb slowly rubbing it. The guys doesn't notice either since they are talking about which gaming console is better. Ten minutes later they are entering the bowling alley with Niall's arms around Louis' and Zayn's shoulder.

"I'm so ready to beat all of you in this." Louis says, pretending to flip his hair with a mouth pop.

"And you guys say I act gay." Zayn says with a shake of his head, making the other two chuckle.

"Sorry Louis but we all know that you're going to be the last one on the scoreboard." Harry says with a shrug.

Louis and Niall goes to get everyone shoes and pay for their game. Zayn and Liam goes to decide which lane would they play on. Meanwhile, Harry is looking around the room to see if anyone is looking at him. There aren't many people here. There is a middle age couple, a family, and a group of college kids. The other people are on the other side playing pool or ordering drinks. None of them seem to be paying attention to the tall male. It makes him relax as he makes his way over to Zayn and Liam. He puts away his phone and starts to take off his shoes as his other two friends come back over. He takes the shoes that are giving to him then puts them on. Once the laces are tied, he goes to pick out his bowling ball. He tries not to bend over too much as he reaches down to grab his ball.

"We made a deal that whoever is last place on the scoreboard has to buy everyone dinner." Niall explains when he comes over to pick out his own ball.

He sees that the ruffles around the green eye male's hips rise up and he decides to fix them for him. He grabs them and pulls them down with his hips slightly touching Harry's behind. The action causes Harry to jump while quickly standing straight. A laugh leaves Niall's mouth as he pats his friend's shoulder before grabbing his ball and going back over to the other three. Liam starts the game with him going first, Zayn second, Niall third, Louis fourth, and Harry last. Nobody protests against their position and they start. Harry sits down trying to figure out how he is going to go about winning. He watches how each one of them bowl to pin point their mistakes. He gets up when it is his turn and avoids doing anything that they did. He watches his ball roll until it hits all of pins. He cheers loudly with the guys booing behind him.

"How the fuck. When the fuck. Why the fuck. Where the fuck. What the fuck." Liam says, getting out of his seat with his brown eyes wide in shock.

"There's no fucking way that happen already. You've got to be using some cheat codes or something." Niall says, crossing his arms over his chest.

"He's a witch. That's what it is." Louis states with Harry going back over to his seat, dusting off his shoulders.

"I'm a God. Get it right guys." Harry says with a smirk and Liam rolls his eyes as he goes up again.

"You're just lucky." Zayn comments, playfully shoving his friend into his seat.

A few minutes later, two couples walk in building laughing loudly with each other. They take the bowling alley right next to Harry and his friends. It is obvious that they got high and got a little bit tipsy before they came inside. The two females are horribly dancing to the music that is playing while the males take care of everything else. Harry is quietly laughing to himself seeing his raven hair friend secretly recording them. He signals for him to stop knowing that he is going to put the video on Snapchat. Zayn just waves him off while laughing as well. He stops recording when the males come back and get the game started. He puts a caption on the video then posts it. He puts the phone in his back pocket before going to bowl next.



I was going to make this chapter longer but I got lazy. Sorry. Thoughts??? Predictions???

Bye my Dancing's Not A Crime.🎹📯⛳

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