Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

*Author P.O.V*

"Holy shit it's scary how you can pass for a girl. If your ass was bigger and you had breasts, nobody would hesitate to call you a girl mate." Liam says with his mouth hung open and his eyes wide.

"Who would have thought that pink would bring out your eyes." Niall says with a laugh while pointing to Harry's face.

"That outfit just made me realize how pale you are." Louis says, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Thanks." Harry says while sounding very uncertain about it since he really doesn't know if they are complimenting him or dissing him.

Zayn twirls his finger and Harry gives them a spin. The skirt lifts up into the air showing off his butt just a little bit. A part of him hopes that Niall is checking out his butt. It may not be the biggest butt but it is something to definitely look at. He only knows that from females always telling him that whether if he knows them or not. He shakes his head when he hears his friends start to whistle and clap loudly. He hopes that his neighbors don't file a noise complaint. After the spin, all his friends give him a thumbs up. A laugh leaves his mouth when Zayn wants to be special and give him two thumbs up. He makes a heart with his hands and pushes it to the perfect hair friend. That gesture makes Zayn fake cry, which causes Louis to roll his eyes.

Harry decides that he'll wear this for the rest of the day since the guys seem to like it. Last time he check he isn't going anywhere today either. The only problem that he has is that he wishes he can know exactly what his going through the blonde's head right now. He stares at him hoping that he will get a answer but Niall is too busy looking through his phone. He knows that Niall won't scream at how beautiful he is, that's something Zayn would do, or take millions of pictures of him but he wants something more. Niall is a obsess with fashion for crying out loud. This makes Harry pout just a little. It also makes him understand that the blue eye male sees him as a friend. With that in his head, he goes to take a bite out of Liam's sandwich then sitting down next to Louis on the couch. His gaming system starts and tv is turnt on and the group start playing Overwatch.

In Niall's head, Harry looks really nice. He is kind of surprise that the tall male can pull that look off. His body isn't too masculine that it makes it obvious it's a guy wearing the outfit. He can definitely see himself getting use to seeing his friend dress like a female. He might even encourage it more now. If he sees anyone trying to discourage Harry or even hurt him because of his clothing choice, he won't hesitate to shove his foot up their ass. He really isn't a violent so the fact that he is willing to fight for Harry says a lot. Of course that won't stop him from playfully making fun of Harry's choice in clothing. He already has a lot of jokes in his mind. He wants to wait for the perfect opportunity to say them as well instead of saying it all at once.

He looks away from his phone and to Harry with a smile on his face. Harry looks over at him and the Irish male is completely taken back. Pink really does bring out Harry's eyes. From first glance nobody would be able to tell that his eyes are green. They wouldn't be able to tell that his eyes have a mix of brown in them as well. His eyes are like the color of freshly grown grass in a big field full of pink, blossoming flowers. The trees around it being a darker green and brown, which helps make the grass stand out more. Niall knows that sounds really poetic yet weird but that's the only way he can describe his friend's eyes. He looks away from his friend and starts to focus on the game. He hopes that Harry doesn't think that him looking at him is creepy.

"I hope you'll be comfortable bowling in that later tonight." Louis says and Harry let's his eyes grow wide.

"I completely forgot about that. Now I have to go pick out another outfit." Harry explains, making Niall raise a eyebrow.

"You should still wear that. Screw what everyone else will think or say. You're good looking in our eyes." Niall states with a stern look.

God damn it. Harry really wishes that Niall should have said my instead of our. He still appreciates what he said though. The guys all nod their head in agreement with what Niall has said. A smile comes up on Harry's face with how supportive his friends are. They would usually agree with anything he says but this time it is very different. It makes him tingle on the inside. He still is going to pack himself a outfit just in case something happens. He'll make sure that it's a less judgemental outfit because he just can't take any chances. The world works in mysterious ways and he has had a lot of experience to know this. The guys go back to their game thinking they help their friend stop being afraid to wear what he wants. Niall pulls the green eye male close to him and ruffles his hair with a grin on his face. Harry let's out a playful grunt while trying to shove Niall away.

"You're going to slay every female out there today." Niall says with a laugh, which causes Harry to laugh as well.

"How do you know that?" Harry questions, letting his body relaxes into Niall's.

"Because you're Harry Styles and my friend." Niall says while shrugging his shoulders.

Harry smiles at him and Niall gives him a dramatic kiss on the side of his head. A quiet gasp leaves the green eye male's mouth at the quick action. Niall doesn't take notice of the gasp though. He, instead, gets up from the couch and motions for the taller male to follow him. They go to the kitchen with Niall grabbing two bottles of beer. He then takes Harry to the backyard. They both sit down in the cheap plastic chairs that Harry brought. Niall hands his friend a beer before he takes out a cigarette and lites it. He puts the cigarette in his mouth and looks at the park that is in front of him. Harry is so confuse on why Niall brought him out here. His heart wants it to be that he'll confess his love to him but his brain knows that it's not. He doesn't have to wait long to know the reason why.

"You're the only one alright with me smoking cigarettes around you, which is why I brought you out here. The second reason is you shouldn't let the world decide on what you do with your body. The only opinion that matters is yours. You can do amazing things once you put your mind to it. Who knows, maybe a lot of good things may come your way for dressing so pretty." Niall says, looking over at Harry, who blushes deeply.

"Thanks Niall." Harry replies back then goes to take a long sip from the beer bottle.



The picture at the top is Harry's outfit. Thoughts??? Predictions???

Bye my Wipe Me Down.😂👍😍

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