Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

*Author's P.O.V*

The two take a bite out of the burger at the same time. They both laugh the moment they make eye contact. A string of cheese is attach to curly hair male's lips. Niall smiles at him before breaking the string. The cheese lands on the male's chin, which makes them both laugh harder. Their laughter catch the attention of their friends. Zayn and Liam come over then take a bite from the burger. Louis comes over after his turn then finish the burger off since there is only one bite left. The curly hair male gets up for his turn while taking one last french fries. He misses two pins on his first roll but gets them on his second. His mind seem to have forgotten about those girls since he turns around then does a little dance with a smile on his face.

Niall shakes his head at him but smiles nevertheless. He can tell that his friend seem to be in a better mood now. He goes to throw away the wrapper and try from the food then makes his way to grab a soda. He returns back to the group with his lips around the plastic bottle. The scoreboard catches his attention to see that he is in the lead with Harry and Liam tied for second then Zayn for third and Louis in last place. He looks at the green eye male then jumps at him to try and intimidate him. Harry pretends to be afraid as he covers his face as if he is going to be hit. He uncovers his face then gives him the middle finger to which the blonde makes a finger gun at him. They do more finger gestures while throwing in a few facial expressions from time to time.

The game goes on a little longer before Zayn ends up winning and Liam being last on the scoreboard. They put away their bowling shoes before putting on their actually shoes. They also check to see if they have everything they came in with. They pat each other on the butt to show good sportsmanship. The two females from before take notice of their action, which make them shake their head. Their boyfriends pay them no mind since they are trying to win the game. They continue to watch as they prepare to leave the building. One of the females want to say something but doesn't. The other female doesn't care as she opens her mouth the moment Zayn opens the door for them to leave.

"I've never seen a group of gay dudes before. Especially with them being very open with each other in public." One of the females from before says to her friend but the blonde hears it clearly.

"Sorry but we aren't gay." Niall lies since he doesn't want to single out his curly hair friend and these females clearly doesn't need to know."I'm sure if you keep it up you'll find a group of gays to judge and we'll see how that goes."

"Burn." Louis says quietly as him and Liam fist bump each other while laughing.

Surprisingly enough, Harry never knew the blonde's sexuality. He just assume that he is bisexual or at least pansexual because he just gives off such a open minded vibe. This actually hurts him because he knows now not to try anything with him because he doesn't want to get hit or ruin their friendship. He wants nothing more than to go home then throw himself in his room and stay there for a week. The group leave the building with Louis beating Liam to the passenger seat. Harry tries to avoid sitting next to Niall but he ends up trap in the middle. A sigh leaves his mouth, which doesn't go unnotice by his crush. Niall can feel that those girls may be the cause of Harry's sudden change of clothes and mood. He'll talk about it later with him when they are somewhere private since his friend may not want everyone else to know.

The car pulls away from the building with the guys starting an intense game of pool on their phone. Harry loses to the blonde a bunch of times but he doesn't care. He doesn't do it on purpose those. It's just that his mind can't focus after the new information he just receive. Still in his thoughts he doesn't hear his friends arguing about which place Liam should take them. The argument goes on for three minutes before they decide to go to Red Lobster. Technically they didn't decide since Liam just drives there without waiting for them to make a group decision. The doors opening brings Harry back to life. The group goes inside then sit down near a window. Harry immediately sits next to Liam while the other three sit by each other.

Harry watches as Niall talks with a random girl. She is very pretty he has to admit. Her figure compliments her brown skin very well. The outfit she has on is one that attracts the attention of anyone. They seem to be getting along quite nicely. They pull out their phones then exchange numbers. They put their phones away after before the blonde leans close to the female's ear then whisper something into it. The female blushes then hits at his chest playfully. They both smile at each other. Niall points over to his friends and Harry can't react fast enough to act as if he wasn't trying to listen to them. He locks his eyes with his friend with a blush on his cheeks. He waves at them with the female and Niall doing the same to him. The female hugs his friend before she leaves the building with a pep in her step. Niall comes back over as the curly hair male looks away from him quickly.

"Who was that?" Harry asks once the blonde takes his seat then starts to eat.

"Just a girl I met." Niall answers after he swallows then takes a sip of his drink.

"So a one night stand?" Louis questions with a eyebrow raise as he wipes sauce from around his mouth.

"It's not like that you guys. She just went through a bad breakup and needed a friend since she moved out here alone to be with her ex." Niall replies with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Ohhh yeah a friend. Nothing suspicious about that at all." Zayn says with a smirk causing the blonde to chuckle.

"Yeah they're definitely going to fuck." Liam states, causing Harry's eyes to grow wide at how blunt he is.

"Yeah but a nice friendship will blossom from it. You guys know I really don't do one night stands but she gets a free pass." Niall explains with a wink.

Harry doesn't know how much more he can take of this. He can't believe that the blonde is going to be somebody's rebound. Life really isn't working into his favor. He gets pick on for being himself, someone gets to sleep with his crush, and he finds out his crush is straight. At this point he realizes that the blonde and him work together too. It was how they met and became friends after all. He also realizes that tomorrow is Monday, which means he has to see his face at work. He grips his fork tightly while staring intensely at his plate. He stabs at his shrimp with his fork then brings it to his mouth. His behavior goes unnotice by his friends. He is thankful for that because he doesn't feel like being question about it. He wants to go unnotice for the rest of the time but Niall won't let that happen for him.



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