Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

*Author's P.O.V*

Damon follows after the blonde, looking around to see if anyone is watching. A smile comes up on his face at how easy this is going to be. It's almost as if this is meant to happen. They both enter a building with Niall looking at his phone as he makes his way to bathroom. He is lucky enough to find one that is a single bathroom. He steps inside and is about to lock the door but Damon comes in quickly. He can't react fast enough since the older male pushes him away from the door then presses his back against it. At this point he is upset with himself for not calling the police on him sooner. This all could have been avoided if he had done so. Once he gets out of here, he sure is going to do it though.

"I thought I would have had to throw you over my shoulder and bring you inside." Damon jokes then laughs when the blonde gets in a defense stance.

"Why do you keep fucking with me? I want nothing to do with you." Niall hisses out, knowing that if steam could come out his ears then it would.

"Because you ruined my life by telling that stupid bitch about what we did and she told everyone I know. My life is over. I'm just trying to make sure you don't press any charges. I can't go to jail." Damon explains, locking the door.

"That's your fucking fault. You forced yourself onto a straight male. You deserve all this shit and more." Niall says, going to leave but he is push back gently.

"Still acting like you're straight huh? I guess I'll just have to show you again." Damon says before pulling a gun out his back pocket."Don't make this hard on yourself."

"Yeah no. I don't think so you idiot. You'll have to kill me if you want to touch me." Niall says so tempted to smack the gun out of his hand at this point.

Damon shoots the gun at his feet with the blonde surprise that it has a silencer as he flinches. That flinch is all it takes for Damon to get the upper hand. He rushes him then shoves him to the floor, causing him to fall hard with a grunt. He tucks the gun away then straddles him. As much as he would love to fuck him, he wasn't going to do it because then the cops would know it's his DNA. That makes him regret not bringing a condom. His only friend left outside blocks the door so nobody else could come in. He doesn't care about what is going on inside the bathroom. All he cares about is the money Damon is going to pay him for doing this.

"Get the fuck off." Niall says, quickly slipping into the state he was in those years ago.

"There's nothing wrong with liking boys. Just enjoy it. I promise you won't regret it." Damon responds as he uses his thumb to stroke his cheek gently.

"I promise I won't tell anyone about what we did. I don't want this Damon." Niall whispers but his plead falls on deaf ears.

He can't seem to move again as he closes his eyes and prays for some type of miracle. He screams at himself to not start crying. The tears are present though when he feels a tongue trace a neck vein before going to his lips. A sickening feeling settles in his stomach then spreading through the rest of his body. The stall seems to only get smaller and smaller when he feels his zipper coming undone. He can get out of this so easily if he just tries. His body behaves like a child, who had just gotten scold by their mother. His body, mainly his lower region, also acts as if he enjoys it but he knows that he can never enjoy something as sick as this. 

He exit the stall then makes his way back to his friends fifteen minutes later. There is no way that he's going to be fine now. He let that sick fucker get away with doing even more humiliating stuff to him. The thought causes his heart to race too fast and his breathing to become irregular. There's no way that he's going to show it though. He straighten his posture then focus on Harry to try and stop his vision from bouncing back and forth to clear then blurry. He gives him a nod as a form of hello because he doesn't trust his voice. Harry smiles at him while practically bouncing off the walls as the blonde takes notice of his bandage wrist.

"What were you doing? Taking a shit? Fucking someone? Masturbating?" Louis questions only to have his side lightly nudge by a laughing Zayn.

"He's been dying to show you his tattoo." Liam states, ignoring the two while he texts away on his phone.

"I got a sun tattoo." Harry says happily as he shows the inside of his wrist to him, which gets him to smile.

"With the way we hug, that tattoo goes right on top of my moon tattoo." Niall informs while tapping the back of his neck.

"Its almost as if it was destiny. Its like I'm the guiding and understanding sun while you are the cold and confused moon." Harry says, which makes the blonde freeze.

"Where did you hear that from?" Niall questions as he looks around him to see if he can spot his ex but doesn't find her in sight.

"I just made it up to annoy you." Harry answers with a shrug of his shoulders, confused on the slight change in mood.

Niall's body sways to the side before he finds himself fainting. Harry is quick to catch him before he hits the ground. He gently lays him down in some nearby grass while Liam and Louis motion people to back away. He is so confused as to why this happen. His friend was just smiling in his face and talking as if nothing was wrong. He was usually able to read when he was in distress. He feels like a complete failure now for not noticing. Zayn doesn't waste a second in calling the ambulance. Harry informs them the moment they come that he will be riding in the vehicle with him. There's no way that he can ever leave his side.

The ride to the hospital makes him so anxious because the blonde really looked dead. The paramedics inform him that he most likely pass out from a panic attack since everything else seem to be fine. That puts his heart at ease as the sun shines its light at the moon a little bit and cooling both of their temperatures. That doesn't stop him from trying to figure out what could have possibly made his friend experience a panic attack. Did something happen in the bathroom? As he was going to the bathroom? When he was making his way back to them? He hates that his friend is such a mystery that seems to keep getting more and more difficult to solve.



Thoughts??? Predictions???


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