Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

*Author's P.O.V*

"Don't forget you have to come to my apartment tomorrow since it's your turn to take care of Danny." Niall says, ruffling the taller male's hair.

"I'll be there around the afternoon so have him and his things ready." Harry replies still not looking at his friend.

He moves his hair out of his face then goes back to eating. He finishes his food quickly then his drink is next. So many emotions are running through that his mind and body aren't on the same page. This is shown when Niall tries to hit his knee playfully but instead ends up with his foot hitting his crotch. The action causes the taller male to jump while letting out a yelp. The tap wasn't hard so that wasn't the reason. Of course, they do this to each other all the time. They give each other nut taps to annoy or just distract each other. Harry clears his throat as his friends and a few strangers look at him. He just smiles and acts like nothing happen. He takes out his phone so he doesn't have to look at them.

The strangers stop looking at him since he seems fine. However, his friends doesn't stop looking at him. They want to know what the hell happen to him because what happen was totally out of the blue. They are hoping if they look at him then he would answer them but he doesn't. They guess he doesn't want to talk about it since he's acting like they aren't there. Niall is the least bit concern since he is the cause for their taller friend's behavior. He honestly wants to laugh but he also wants to apologize. He finishes off his food then drink before he wipes around his mouth. He then leans across the table and pokes his nose to get his attention.

"I'm sorry Harry. I was trying to kick your knee to get your attention." Niall chuckles out while getting out his seat then squeeze himself next to him.

The guys finally catch on to what happen and they burst out in laughter. This causes Harry's cheeks to turn red. He sinks in his seat then rests his head on the table. He feels a hand on his back and he just knows that it belongs to the blonde. He feels himself being lift back up before he feels a pair of soft lips on his cheek. His eyes grow wide probably for the seventh time that day. He freezes in his spot feeling the lips come in contact with his cheek repeatedly. The kisses stop but before he can process and react his head is place against Niall's chest as if he is a child. He feels the back of his head being pat with the blonde shushing him. He just let's this happen to him. He know he won't be able to break himself free until Niall is done with him.

Done with him? That sounds so weird to him as he says it in his head. Those words make it sound as if something sexual is going on between them. Lord knows that isn't going to happen at all. With that, he is back to being distant. He honestly doesn't want to be this way but it's as if his mind doesn't want him to live in piece. He's most definitely ready to go home now. Lucky for him the guys finish completely with Liam paying the bill. They all leave as Zayn and Niall pretend to fight each other on the way to the car. This time Harry flys to be in the passenger seat. He does not want to be around the blonde because he might try to be friendly and he doesn't know if he can handle another kiss or close touching.

"You could stop by my apartment to come get Danny now since Zayn is dropping us off." Niall suggests as he leans up to where the curly hair male is.

"No its fine. I can wait until tomorrow. I'm sure he wants to spend as much time at your place as possible." Harry replies quickly with his head snapping back to look at him.

"Are you alright? You seem a bit tense and distant." Niall says, resting a hand on Harry's shoulder.

"Oh yeah. I'm just a little bit tired and just have a lot of unimportant things on my mind." Harry explains with a fake laugh.

"Well since you're tired your apartment is first." Zayn states, smiling over at him.

Harry has never been more relieved in his entire life. He smiles at the raven hair male then gets on his phone as Niall decides to leave him alone for now. In his head, he thanks all the gods above. He feels a little bit more better now. The car ride is fill with the music from the radio while everyone else are on their phone. They pull up in front of Harry's house five minutes later. He leans over and hugs Zayn as a thank you for the ride. He gets out the car while waving bye at everyone. He turns his back and makes his way to the front door. The car door suddenly opens then closes behind him. He turns his head to see the blonde jogging towards him. A sigh leaves his mouth as he glances up at the sky.

"I was so close to freedom." Harry mumbles to himself as he unlocks the front door.

"Did those females say or do something to you?" Niall asks while they walk up the stairs then down the hall.

"What makes you ask that?" Harry questions right back as they make it to his front door.

"Your outfit and mood changed when we was there. You then started to act a little distant with the guys and me." Niall answers, watching as his friend unlocks the front door.

"They were just saying some hateful stuff about me, which made me change. I got over it though. I promise. I'm just deep in thought, which makes me seem distant." Harry explains while they walk into his apartment.

"You should have told me. I or the guys would have handled them for you. We're friends after all. You don't deserve to be treated like that." Niall says, pulling him in for a tight hug.

Harry let's his worries go away as he hugs him back just as tight. Him hearing those words makes him feel a gulity knot in his stomach. He kind of regrets being distant now. None of his friends deserve any of that. Especially the blonde. They haven't done anything wrong. They are only looking out for him while trying to have fun. The two pull away from the hug with Niall pulling him to the living room. He sits him down on the couch before he starts to set up his gaming system. He wants to do this to take his friend's mind off of things and he knows playing video games cheers him up greatly. He puts in Smash Bros then makes his way over to the taller male. He takes a seat next to him then shoulder bumps him.

"Prepare to be dominated." Niall states as he picks Donky Kong and his friend picks Link.

"In your dreams punk." Harry says with a laugh while shoving the blonde's head gently before they start to battle it out.




Thoughts??? Predictions???


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