Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

*Author's P.O.V*

Harry was able to get drunk a little more so he ended up getting a little more touchy with his dancing. It wasn't anything dramatic. Just that he happen to grind his crotch against the blonde's. He couldn't help himself from giggling when he did that because he could feel something poking him back. He didn't react on it much since his mind was mainly focus on the music. It was later in the night when the party started to die down. People were either leaving or sitting down to chat. They currently stop dancing as the song slowly fades out. They look around them as another song starts to come on.

"It's 2 in the morning. I think it's time for us to go home." Niall says, noticing that they are the only ones on the dance floor.

"Can't we stay a little longer?" Harry asks before burping into his fist, getting a laugh out the blonde.

"I don't think so. Zayn is pass out, Louis is about to pass out any minute, and Liam is starting to get sleepy." Niall informs him then pulling his friend to his other friends."Stay here while I get them to the car."

Harry nods his head before sitting down at the booth. He makes random noises with his mouth as he watches his friend throw Zayn over his shoulder while guiding Liam out the bar. He comes back in a few minutes late to retrieve Louis. The moment the blonde and his friend leaves the building some random male comes over to the booth. He appears to be in his late thirties as he sits down next to the drunken male. He rests his hand on top of his while leaning close to his ear. The didn't get a good look at Harry's face so he assumed that he was a female base on his outfit. He starts to whisper some sexual things into his ear but someone clears their throat.

"Get away from him before I make you." Niall states, which causes the male to get up quickly.

"Sorry. I thought he was a girl." The male replies, feeling disgusted for hitting on a male."He shouldn't be confusing people like that."

"He is fine the way he is so don't try to make him feel bad just because he's comfortable with himself." Niall says, shielding his friend's body.

"You shouldn't be supporting that. He is suppose to be what he was made to be, which is a straight and normal male." The man argues only to leave when he sees the blonde ball his fists while looking like he's going to kill him.

"What am I going to do with you?" Niall asks while rubbing his temples with a heavy sigh.

"Carry me to the car because my body doesn't want to function properly right now." Harry answers as he lifts his arms in the air.

Niall shakes his head before picking him up and putting him over his shoulder. A wave of relief enters him since he's able to protect his friend from honry people and that Harry doesn't seem to be interested in them. He waves at Veronica before they leave the building. He places the younger main the passenger seat then gets in the driver's seat. He wastes no time in driving home since he can feel the sleepiness creeping up on him. The drive home only takes fifteen minutes. Liam, Louis, and Zayn are all sleeping at this point. Harry is still awake but it is obvious it won't be for long.

Niall wakes the three up in the back then slowly guide them into the building. They stumble a lot but other than that it's easy to get them inside. Harry is trailing behind them while pretending to sneak into the building. That game doesn't last long since he is off to his room the moment they enter his apartment. He pulls off his shirt then takes off his shoes. The space buns in his head come down as he sits down on the bed. He is about to lay down to sleep but he remembers that he has to take off his pants. He takes them off just as the blonde enters the room to make sure that he's alright.

"Harry, why aren't you wearing any boxers?" Niall questions, quickly looking away from his friend's crotch.

"Because the pants had that part where you don't need to wear underwear because the shorts attached inside acts like one." Harry explains before he gets up only to crash into the blonde.

"No you have to lay down and go to sleep." Niall informs him while sitting him back down on the bed.

"Can you lay with me because I don't want you sleeping on the floor. I would have ask one of the other guys but they are all asleep now." Harry replies, scooting back on the bed.

"But you're naked Harry." Niall states, keeping his eyes above his friend's chest.

"It's not like we're going to fuck. I'll start crying if you don't do this. You know I can make myself cry on cue." Harry replies before he starts to sniffle and rub at his eyes.

"Ok fine. You're purely evil." Niall responds about to get on the bed but stops when Harry rolls onto his stomach.

"Before we go to sleep, do you think that I would look nice in women's underwear?" Harry questions as he wiggles his butt a little, causing his friend to cough.

"Whatever you think is best Harry." Niall answers then getting in the bed and turning off the lights."Goodnight."

"Ok. Goodnight Niall." Harry says as he falls asleep quickly right after that with quiet snores leaving his mouth.

Niall wakes up in the morning to Harry laying on top of him. His eyes grow wide once he realizes that his hands are resting on his ass. He moves his hands away slowly then gently slides him off of him. That causes Harry to stir and open his eyes slowly. He streches out his body before letting out a loud yawn. He looks around his room before his eyes land on the blue eye male. The fact that he's naked hits him in that moment. A scream comes from him while he scrambles to cover himself. The guys come rushing into the room once they hear the scream. They let out a sigh of relief when they see he isn't in any danger.

"I didn't know you were into guys too." Louis states while looking at Niall, who shakes his head quickly.

"I don't swing that way. We didn't have sex either. He just fell asleep without any boxers on and he woke up and scream when he saw that he didn't." Niall explains as the curly hair male lays down with a groan.

"Well I'm going to go back to sleep." Liam informs then leaving the room with Louis following after him.

"I'm just going to go do something." Niall says as he scratches the back of his neck then leaves the room.

"Can I dress you today since you let Niall dress you a lot? I promise it won't be crazy." Zayn says, climbing on Harry's bed then laying down.

"Yes but I think we all need to sleep for a little longer." Harry responds with them both going to sleep.



I'm open to anything you want to see happen in this besides the obvious. Thoughts??? Predictions???


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