Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

*Author's P.O.V*

Harry mentally yodels in his head. He doesn't know why his mind pick to do that but it he's okay with it. He think it is the most appropriate thing to do rather than mentally screaming or crying. He needs some way to express his shock since he can't really do it verbally or else Niall would think he's crazy. Speaking of that devil, he wants to glare at him hoping that he would get the memo of stop complimenting him. No normal group of friends would ever compliment each other this much. He shoves some curry then naan bread in his mouth to try and distract himself from that compliment. It doesn't help though. All it does is satisfy his hunger.

Niall gets up after he finishes his food then makes his way back inside. He cleans his plate then stuff a piece of naan bread in his mouth. He walks into the living room then turns on his best friend's console. He shouts for him to come join him and a few seconds later he is in the living room still eating. Harry sits down on the couch, flinching when the controller is thrown to him. He picks up the controller as Niall starts to set up the game for them. When it's time for them to decide, he settles with Ness while the blonde picks Pit. He stuffs the remaining of his food in his mouth just as the battle loads. He nearly choke from it but he gets it down once the game starts.

They spend the next two hours fighting a bunch of people intensely online. They win nearly all of their matches. They didn't take a single break throughout those hours. They shout and groan a lot too, which to outsiders would sound like something sexual. They take their gaming very serious. There is a knock on the front door just as they win their last match. Harry wonders who that can possibly be since he knows his other friends are busy. He knows that it can't be his family since they live in London and would have text him before they came. He thinks that maybe it's Niall's family or friends but they don't know where he lives at. With that, he gives up. He gets up from the couch then makes his way over to the door.

"I'm going to go pick up Danny's poop before your neighbor threatens you." Niall jokes before leaving out the back door for the third time.

Harry opens the front door to see Katherine standing twisting one of her curls around her index finger. Her beauty can make anyone upset yet still interested in her. She is wearing a long dress shirt with vemon on the front of it. She is wearing blue jean shorts under it but it can't be seen. A smile comes up on her face when she sees Harry. She knows that he has a crush on her ex but she doesn't care because Niall is straight. She steps inside the apartment even though Harry looks as though he doesn't want her here. She looks around the living room and is quick to notice that Niall is here since his phone is on the couch.

"Your hair has gotten really long since the last time I saw you." She states as she reaches forward to rub at his hair.

"I mean it's been two years so I'm not that surprised." Harry mumbles with a shrug.

"True. I know that I showed up unannounced but I need a favor." She says, batting her eyelashes at him.

"I repeat. I'm not surprised." Harry sighs out while closing the door then locking it.

"I just need you to talk Niall into consider being my friend and hearing me out. I promise I'm not trying to get with him because I know that will never happen again." She explains, grabbing his shoulders.

There is no way in hell that he is going to do that. Though she didn't do anything to him, she did hurt his friends. For all he knows, she could be planning on hurting him like she did them. He also knows that Niall doesn't want to see her so he won't be the one to make him upset by showing him someone he hates. He shakes his head, which causes her to look at him with a frown on her face. She didn't expect him to say no since he's such a nice person and she didn't hurt him. She is about to beg him as best as she could but she closes her mouth when she sees those bright blue eyes glare at her. She steps around Harry then take a step to the blonde. He points at her to stop her from moving any further.

"How did you know I was here?" Niall asks deeply with his arms cross over his chest.

"I mean we did use to hang out here a lot plus you don't go out as much so it wasn't that hard." Katherine answers, smiling at him.

"Get out." Niall says through clench teeth, making Harry move away from her.

"Niall, just hear me out. I'm a changed person honestly. I miss you so much and not in a romantic way. You're the only person left on my list to become friends with again. Just try for me please." She pleads, playing with her fingers.

"I mean why would I believe anyone who pretends that they are dying to just to see if my love was real. I definitely wouldn't believe anyone who used my grief over my cat to get me to pay for the damage you did to a drug dealers car. And I most definitely wouldn't trust anyone who made me fight multiple men who she robbed in her past but lied and said that they were trying to kidnap her. Shall I continue?" Niall says, standing face to face with her now.

Niall never really told anyone what she did to him but they all knew that it was pretty bad since he had very bad trust issues for a while. He had cut everyone off for three months until he was able to gain control of his emotions and mind again. He never wants to go through something like that ever again. Harry is very much taken by surprise at the new information. What he said was absolutely sickening. The fact that he could still say some more things she did made him upset too. She definitely has to get out of his apartment now. He thought she had did something small like cheat on him or broke something valuable of his. The things she did sounded like it was thought out before she let them happen.

"I never meant for you to get involved in any of my mess. You were just too sweet and too curious. I've tried to leave so many times so I could protect you but we always found our way back to each other. I cried so hard when you said you wish you had never met me. I had never been treated so special then when I was with you. I just want a little of that back." Katherine says, reaching up to touch his face but her wrist is grab gently by Harry.

"What we want is for you to leave. Please stop making this difficult for everyone." Harry states and she nods then makes her way to the door.

"Straight as a thick metal ruler." She whispers to him while looking at Niall then him once he opens the door for her and he slams it shut right after he hears that.



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