Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

*Author's P.O.V*

"That's definitely not the last time that I will be seeing her." Niall states, pinching the bridge of his nose."Fuck me."

"I swear I didn't know she was coming or invited her over." Harry says while turning to look at his friend.

"I know. She's known for popping up out of nowhere so it's all good." Niall responds before going over to the couch."Can we like relax for a bit?"

Harry nods his head quickly. He can see the frustration and hurt in his eyes, which causes a frown to form on his face. All he wants to do now is be there for him. If he can be there for him, then he will do it without a second thought. He knows that he would want the same thing after having a run in like that with his ex. He sits down on the couch next to him and they put on a comedy movie to lighten the mood. It doesn't take long before Harry is cuddle into his side with his head resting on the blonde's shoulder. Niall has his arm wrap around his shoulder with his hand playing with the long curls.

He is so grateful that Harry stood up for him and was willing to comfort him rather than telling him to man up. He has heard a few people tell him to man up and forget about what Katherine did. He obviously did not that follow that path. That advice had only added on to his suffering. He knows that he didn't tell them what she did so they would just assume it was something that he can easily get over so he didn't get upset with them. Of course the other guys are very caring and understanding but for some reason Harry is always there to help him even when it's not obvious. He wouldn't ask for any other group of friends. That thought causes him to smile and lean his head against Harry's a little bit.

Harry notices the movement and he grins to himself. There's nothing more that he loves than helping people, especially when they are close to him. Most of the time it is the blonde who is helping people and rarely displaying any negative emotions. That's one of the many reasons as to why he's crushing on him so hard. That happy thought doesn't last long since his brain and Katherine remind him that he is in fact straight. The rest of the night the two of them watch a few more movies while finishing off the rest of the Indian food. Niall did happen to spend the night because even though Harry is salty about his situation he still wants to help his friend. Niall may have also gotten pantless when he ask him if he can spend the night, which made him agree very quickly.

The sun comes up the next morning and Harry wakes up to Danny's nails repeatedly hitting the floor. He sits up in bed then looks over at his phone to see that he woken up five minutes before his alarm. He cancel his alarm then gets out of bed with a long yawn. Before he starts his normal routine, he sees a outfit sitting on his dresser. The scene doesn't click in his brain right after since he did just wake up. Once it does, he freaks out mentally. He knows that Niall wants him to wear this today to work. He doesn't know if he should or shouldn't. The last time he went out in public with a skirt some people had some not so pretty things to say about him. He doesn't want to experience that with his coworkers because he wouldn't be able to escape them unless he quits.

"Sorry if we woke you. The sun and Danny put me in a playful mood so here we are." Niall explains, coming in the room with Danny jumping around behind him.

"Jeez. I almost pissed on myself." Harry responds while putting a hand against his heart and turning to his friend."It's fine anyway. I was just about to wake up."

"Sorry again. I see that you spotted your outfit for today." Niall states, wiggling his eyebrows as he smiles.

"I was going to save this for something better. Maybe you can pick out a different outfit for today." Harry replies, hoping he didn't just hurt his feelings.

"Anything for you Styles." Niall says, making finger guns at him then makes his way to the closet.

Harry drags his feet to the bathroom while stretching. He can feel his body tingling from how sweet his friend is being. Well he is sweet all the time so his body is always tingling. He hates that he has that effect on him as if it's something he was born with or ask for. It's damn sure something he did not ask for. He's pretty sure he wasn't born with it either. Fifteen minutes later he emerges from out the bathroom with a towel around his waist. This time he enters his room with caution just in case Niall decided to surprise him again. His guard is let down, however, when he sees Niall and Danny sitting on the bed. They both look as though they were waiting on him to return. He spots the new outfit and he awes.

"You can thank me later for the butt load of compliments you are going to get today." Niall says, wiping his nails on his shirt.

"I could have totally came up with this on my own so I will not be thanking you." Harry scoffs while playfully rolling his eyes.

"So you mean to tell me that you would have came up with a black and white strip crop top with high waisted black skinny jeans and a black leather choker along with those rings and glasses?" Niall asks as he turns his head so his friend can get ready.

"Did I stutter?" Harry questions as he puts on his rings then the choker.

"Are you finish changing yet?" Niall suddenly asks while getting up from the bed.

"Yeah." Harry answers after putting his boots on then suddenly being lift from the floor."Niall what the fuck?"

"I'm tired of you disrespecting me so I'm going to show you some manners." Niall responds as he walks into the hallway.

"Niall, you're going to make us late for work. Stop with this childish shit." Harry protests, beating on the blonde's back.

Niall ignores him as he walks into the living room. He puts his friend down then shoves him into the corner. A laugh leaves his mouth when he sees the surprise look on his friend's face. The moment he sees him trying to move from the corner he leans forward then place his hands on either side of his head. When Harry shrinks back into the corner with wide eyes, he smirks. He can keep this up as long as he needs to. They have some time before they have to leave for work. Once he feels that he won't move, he slowly steps back. All he wants is for the green eye male to apologize. It takes Harry five minutes before he realizes that.

"I'm deeply sorry for my disrespectful behavior to you your highness." Harry says with a bow.

"That was ass but I'll take it." Niall replies before making his way to the door."I want Wendy's for breakfast so hurry up and get your stuff."

"Alright alright." Harry states then runs off to his room to get his phone, keys, and wallet."Bye Danny! Be a good boy while I'm away!"

"Before I bully you for the rest of the day, I would just like to say thank you for yesterday. It really meant a lot to me. I appreciate you." Niall explains as the two make their way out of the apartment.

"No problem. You know I'll always be there for you." Harry says then smiles brightly when Niall pulls him close to his side.



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