Chapter 17

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A small feather floated through his mind. Or was it a piece of dust? Floating, floating, floating...No gravity weighing him down. Now it was him? Was it a feather, a dust particle, himself? Why was he so confused? Light as air...floating again. What was happening? Dizzy, dizzy, spinning through the air...But the air was running out, running out so fast, so ever fast. Shorter breaths, panting, panting, losing air. Dizziness, more dizziness. Suffocating, need to get air, more oxygen...

Gasping, Brogan bolted upright. Or rather, he tried to bolt upright. Blinking a couple of times, he tried to focus his eyes but couldn't. Everything around him was a blurry mass of figures, some of them moving, some of them still. He tried moving around but was paralyzed. Yet, he felt nothing, no shackles, chains, wires, nothing at all. But something was still keeping him from moving. 

Drugs. That's it! He was drugged. But by whom? 

Suddenly, a rush of memories flooded into his brain. The fight with Ione, the blood, the capture-

"He's awake, sir," shouted a voice. 


"How much did you give him?" asked a commanding voice.

"Five full vials, sir, as you ordered," replied the voice who had shouted earlier.

"Five full vials? How much antidote does that require?" 

"55 cc of the Adeno-" 

"Not here! He is aware of us?"

"Ah, yes, sir. I'm sorry. Here's a list-" scrabbling and shuffling of papers, "of the solution. It must be administered through the-." 

"Yes, yes, I know what to do. And you have the other one ready?" 

"Yes, sir."

"Bring her on my command."

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