Note from Author (Important!)

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KAY ALL Y'ALL - THIS IS LEKHA.. since this story was originally posted on figment and zephyr's re-writing it here im going to add all the A/N's from that website too. WHICH MEANS. even if we don't have no comments on this website, she's referring to the ones from back thaarr. kay? COOLIOS(: [my gyawd. you people are actually going to hear zephyr speak after a while. AAAAAAAAAAH


IMPORTANT: I've been getting comments about the first chapters where I write with Brogan and Amber's point of views. I wanted those chapters to be just a quick background for the story, but it isn't PART of the story. So basically you can think of the chapters as the story, and the other background parts as a prologue. Hope that clears things up a bit!

AND ALSO: If you do not want to read the whole thing, I recommend starting from the chapter LABELED, "Chapter 1" (so, technically its chapter 12). 


I just wanted to thank you guys so much for all the WONDERFUL comments and HELPFUL reviews! Thank you for reading through the whole thing for those of you who did. And also, THANK YOU for helping me REACH MY GOAL of 400 HEARTS! YAY! (now i can raise the goal up to 500+ :D)

Also, I am always open for honest review, don't worry about being too harsh! If it's honest, then that means it's true, so I will change it and try to improve this story. The more specific your review is, the better! 

THANK YOU SO MUCH to Riley Wagner who produced the AMAZING cover, I absolutely LOVE IT! 

Now that school is starting, I may not have as much time to write. Sorry about that! I will try my best to update this as much as possible. 

Thanks so much and enjoy the story!

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