Chapter 6

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They whirled around to find a skinny twig running over to them. At first, Brogan thought that it was some kind of weird tumbleweed. But as the figure approached, Brogan realized with shock that it was a person, a young man. 

He was definitely older than Brogan, with a line of thin stubble stretching from an ear, underneath his mouth, to the other ear. His light brown eyes were narrowed in a suspicious glare. His hair was atrocious, leaves and small pieces of forest tangled into his chestnut curls. Long legs reached out from under him as he ran over to the four who were standing in complete astonishment at the new arrival. The man was wearing a pair of dark jeans ripped at the knees and a surprisingly clean light blue t-shirt.

"What in the name of Mythara are two gryphons doing here?" he gasped as he neared the group. 

"You know about the Mythara?" Ione blurted out.

Brogan nudged her, shaking his head and tactophrening, No! What if he is the Mythara's enemy? But Ione glared at him.

People don't say the name of their prey like that, it would be repulsive.

Brogan wrinkled his nose. Gah! He's coming closer. Get ready to fight. He drew his dagger and took a stand.

Ione merely shifted from one foot to the other, sighing. Brogan, he's harmless. He's a twig for bush's sake! Plus, we're Mythara!

Tanwyn and Dyrmian evidently hear Ione. Don't use the fact that you're Mythara carelessly! Do not forget that there are those who are Mythara and turned against us, equally powerful, Dyrmian reprimanded.

Yes, and you never know when your powers may fail. You have not even used them to the full extent! How can you even hope to do such a small thing as stopping lightning from striking a tree? Tanwyn growled.

Diverting lightning is not a small thing! Brogan tactophrened back.

The exchange took only the matter of seconds. The man's barefoot feet with rough calluses made no sound as he approached them cautiously. His eyes widened as he focused them on Brogan. "I know you." 

This caused Brogan to waver, but he quickly gained his composure. "Well, I don't know you! So, back off!" Brogan snapped.

The man shook his head in wonder. "You've grown, Brogan of the Mythara. You're even taller than me! Now, where's that sister of yours, Amber? The purple-eyed one? You can't be her," he said, gesturing with a sweep of his hand at Ione.

Brogan froze when he heard Amber's name. ione looked at him curiously. "Get away from us!" he shouted angrily, approaching the man. Ione placed a firm hand on his shoulder, holding him back.

Broganshe warned.

The man held his hands up, smiling without fear. "Your fear is understandable, Brogna. You do know you're Mythara? Of course you do! Those are Ewynne," he paused, glancing at Tanwyn. He frowned, narrowing his eyes. "Oh my god, you're Tanwyn!"

How do you know me? Tanwyn shot into the man's mind.

He winced and tried to take a step forward but Tanwyn snarled. "My name is Sphynx."

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