Ch. 13 - A Year

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One Year Passed..

"Hey, Lui," I say, walking in to see him reading a book of what looked to be cooking.

"Hey, how goes it?" He replies, setting his book down. I take a seat next to him and let out a deep sigh.

"I've just been thinking is all," I smile lightly, he chuckles at my response.

"Haven't we all?"

I shrug and take a look at the book he was reading, as assumed, he was reading on cooking.

It's been one whole year in this game. In that year, we've all grown to look back on ourselves. Even Lui taking up different things. We recruited two more members as well, now having a huge official guild. We were quite popular at this point on the news in the center of town on each and every floor. (We are on floor 30). It dawned on me that we were so close to beating this game, yet so far.

The two new people were named Daithi deNogla and Wildcat, or their real names David and Tyler. Wildcat is a shield and swordsman, he often hangs out with Mini, interested in his magic. Mini has improved speaking of which. He's become very strong. Nogla has been hanging out with Lui, he is a two-handed swordsman.

Myself and my friends have changed a bit, as for Lui he took on full on bowman, as back up he has double daggers, bow and arrow was his secret ability. Moo still holding on a broad sword and has found his secret ability as well, enchantment. Terroriser continues searching for something but has the ability to make some pretty sick weapons. He sticks with his sword and shield for now.

Actually, everyone expect for myself has found their true ability. I don't mind, I'm jealous, but it's taunting and pulls me to work harder.

As for me, I've been upping my speed. I'm getting better and my agility has been a strength on the battle field.

"Do you think we'll ever beat this game?" I ask Lui.

Lui raised an eyebrow, "Why the sudden doubt?"

"I dunno, I'm just a bit tired of this game. It's been a year Lui. Seems hopeless.."

"Well," Lui begins, "I think we'll make it. If not we will die trying. Vanoss, we are the strongest guild there is, we work great together and work really hard! Don't give up okay, buddy?"

"Thanks, Lui." I smile in response.

Lui was a great fit for a leader, encouraging as always.

Lui opened his mouth to say something else but was cut off by the guys storming in with bursts of laughter and hiccups. They had gone out to celebrate our recent victory of the last mission - which got us pretty good gear - with drinks, as always. Lui and I decided it would be best to stay at the hotel.

"Did you see Mini's face?! The beer went flying out of his goddamn nose!" Wildcat shouted, still laughing and wheezing.

Everyone was all clung onto each other trying to make it in.

"You all sure looked like you had a good time," I snickered.

"Hell yeah!" Nogla agreed with a fist pump to the air, "there were some ho-hot chicks there too.. They were from the Malen guild.."

Each time one of them spoke it was just a slur of words together until they corrected themselves. I shouted for Lui to come and help me. We got the guys to their appropriate rooms and went back to the living area to relax a bit more.

"Now that the kiddos are asleep," Lui started, "we have some alone time."

"Right. What's up?" I giggle a bit.

Lui's face went to a frown quickly as he rubbed the back of his neck and sighed.

"Word has it.. We're all in hospitals right now.."

Lui was very straight to the point and caught me off guard. I didn't answer and had him continue.

"Basically, until one of us players beat the game for everyone, we are all slowly dying in hospital beds. Even those trying to make a living at this point."

"That's.. Horrible.." I reply quietly. I was at a loss for words. My mouth was too dry.

"We have a few more years to live since we are hooked up and shit but.." Lui inhaled and exhaled once more before speaking, "the point is, we need to keep moving.. We can't afford anymore celebratory nights and have them waking up with a hangover every time."

I nodded in agreement. Lui was right. It wasn't time for resting it was time for fighting.

"Tomorrow morning we'll have a meeting then?" I ask. Lui nods as we both begin to clean up a bit.

"It's settled.." I say, "goodnight,"



"Alright!" I pipe up beside Lui. Everyone was a bit sleepy eyed and looked like zombies.

"From now on, no more drinks or partying. We need to stay vigilant. It's too risky to be out of shape for an unexpected battle," I inform and begin to pack up as I'm speaking, "We need to keep moving and look for opportunities to get stronger, get a few levels, or strike a floor."

"I want to thank you all for your cooperation thus far." Lui adds on.

Everyone started to pack up and get ready to leave. I felt bad for them, but in a sense, it was time to keep going anyway and it wasn't good for them.


Walking and walking and walking was all we did through the fields. We were looking for the entrance of the next level. The heat was unbearable, I was sweating like a pig. Lui's arm suddenly swung out in front of me. I stopped and looked up to see that ahead of us was a huge guild or army. They were all dressed in white with pink outlines. They had their weapons drawn, ready to attack us at any minute.

"Guys, we may have trouble," Lui called back.

"We can see it!" Terroriser snickered and huffed his way to us.

"Get your weapons ready just in case they want a fight."

"You think we can really take all those people on?" I whisper to Lui.

"Yeah, we've had worse, right?" Lui smirked. I was really hoping he wasn't lying to make me feel better. In all honesty, he looked a bit nervous.

Who knows what they want, I just know they aren't going to hurt any of us.



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