Addicted To You {Mikey}

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Let me set the scene lol. You and Mikey have been an on and off couple for 6 months and after a Halloween party you talk about your relationship. Danger days Mikey btw.

"{y/n}, what are we?" "I don't even know anymore" you sighed, looking at Mikey over the cup, and straw in your mouth. "This is a good milkshake" you joke and he takes your hand from across the table. "I don't wanna fight anymore" you shook your head "Neither do I but we can't stop that, we just have to fight through and not break up every time" you chuckled heartily, squeezing his hand. He took the drink from you and sipped from it "You're right, this is good" you stood up, making him move over so you could sit next to him. He wrapped his arm around you and sighed, kissing your temple "I love you" you were a bit surprised considering you hadn't said that to each other yet. "I love you too" you looked up at him and put your hand on his chin, facing him towards you, kissing him slowly. You both pulled away, smiling at each other in awe "I love you" he said again and you giggled, pecking his lips before leaning into his shoulder beginning to talk about how stupid your arguments were.

I know this wasn't the best but I'm going through a big life change right now, moving from NJ to VA next month, new school, no friends lol. But please request and I will write it as soon as I can ❤️

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