Old Friends {Mikey Way}

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I walked into the bar and huffed as I sat down across from {f/n}. She turned to me "What's wrong with you?" I shook my head "Where do I start?" She stared at me and raised her eyebrows "It isn't important, and if it's all the same to you I don't really feel like talking about it" she patted my shoulder and went to get me a drink. I heard people laughing as they entered the bar and sat down a few tables behind me, I turned around slightly and saw the four people that I barely speak to anymore before turning back around and played with my hands with wide eyes.

{f/n} sat back down and placed a glass of scotch in front of me before her eyes widened slightly. Luckily, none of them knew {f/n} so I was in the clear, "{y/n}, oh- oh my god" she panicked quietly "Yes, I know they're sitting there, now shut up" "Go talk to them" I shook my head frantically "No, I haven't spoken to them ever since the first got famous, I don't want anything to-" my phone started ringing "hold on". "Yeah, I can come over there now- okay I'll see you soon, bye" {f/n} looked at me confusingly, "My brothers radiator shut off, I have to help him fix it" she nodded "Well, I'll see you later I guess".

I got up quickly, put on my coat, and rushed out of the bar, but not before hearing someone very familiar call my name, "Is that {y/n}? {y/n}!" I picked up my pace and exited, after almost making it around the corner, somebody grabbed my arm and turned me around to face them. I looked up slowly, my face turning red, and smiled slightly "Hey Mikey" he tightened his grip on my arm slightly "What's the rush" "My brother needs me at my apartment now, can you let me go please" I said nervously and he chuckled "I know you too well, if I let you go then I'll never see you again" I smiled wider and pulled him into a hug.
He didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around my waist, "I missed you {y/n}" "I missed you too Mikes".


Mikey and I walked around for a little while and we were currently in Central Park. "So, {y/n}, what have you been up to for the past 6 years?" I shook my head "Not much, I was in a relationship for 4 of those years and all of a sudden," I felt Mikey take my hand in his, intertwining our fingers "-all of a sudden, everything just kind of fell apart and everything in my life is almost stable now" "Well, if he did dump you, which I'm guessing he did, he's a moron" I chuckled "Yeah, right" "It's true, you're a beautiful young woman" I blushed "You think so?" He nodded "Yeah, to be honest in high school I always..I always had a crush on you". 'Woah, I didn't know that', I stopped where I stood and Mikey stopped too, his hand still in mine.

"Did I say something wrong?" I thought for a minute and smirked "{y/n}? Look I'm-" I cut him off by placing my lips onto his, my hands on either side of his face "Don't ever say sorry to me for something as dumb as that" I whispered, my forehead against his. "Mikey, I've been in love with you for so long, please  be mine" he chuckled and pecked my lips "I'm glad you feel the same way, but usually the guy initiates the relationship so now I feel stupid". "I can fix that, yes Mikey Way, I'll be your girlfriend".

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