Hold Onto Your Heart {Gerard Way}

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{How I Met Your Mother speech up ahead *train horn* credit to himym don't judge}

I entered the restaurant in a rushed state, seeing Gerard and his girlfriend Darcy holding hands. I still cared about him even though we broke up. "He can't go home with you Darcy" the both looked up at me and Gerard stood up with a sigh "{y/n}" "Why can't he?" "Because we're in love" they both looked at me shocked "{y/n} I know what you're doing, please stop, it's not good for anyone" "Gerard doesn't wanna hurt our feelings because you're a wonderful girl..but he thinks you're idiotic" he shook his head "Stop doing this" "I love him, Darcy" "She doesn't love me, she's just saying this because she-" I held my hand up "I love everything about him, and I'm not a girl who says that lightly, I'm a girl who has faked love her entire life" he stared at me with his mouth slightly open "I'm a girl who thought love was just something idiots felt, but this man has a hold on my heart that I could not break if I wanted to, and there have been times that I wanted to" he took a step forward "{y/n}..".

I walked around him to Darcy "It has been overwhelming and humbling, and even painful at times," I looked up at Gerard "but I could not stop loving him any more than I could stop breathing. I'm hopelessly, irretrievably in love with him, more than she knows" he looked down at me sadly "Gerard, is this true" he nodded and took a step towards me "Y-yeah" she walked out with tears running down here face "Hey {y/n}, please take care of him for me" I nodded and she acknowledged me. "So.." I trailed off "Yep" we walked out in awkward silence. The streets of New York were almost empty as we walked out.

"And the best fake speech award goes to me!" I cheered throwing my arms up and he stopped me "You were pretty convincing" I nodded "Yeah well-" "{y/n}.....do you love me?" I shook my head and chuckled before looking into his eyes and melting slightly. "Isn't that obvious" he smiled and brought me into a kiss "I love you" he murmurs before we begin walking home.

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