Tough Luck, Sucker {Party Poison/Gerard Way}

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{y/k/n} - your killjoy name - POV

"There's no point in trying" I kept my eyes on Party with intent, my gun pointed at him, not wanting him to get away with the girl in his arms. "Look ... you can still do the right thing here" I lowered my gun slightly before looking over at her on the hospital-like bed. "I lost most my of crew crossing the country, I pretty much lost everything, and then you show up and somehow we find you just in time to save her" I looked into his eyes "Maybe this was meant to be". "Is that all she is? A life that you can waste for some type of cure for this sickness?" I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "Answer me, do you think this is a game!?" "Don't waste this gift, Party" "Why are you doing this....I mean there is no point and she is too important to me".

"Because this isn't about me, or even her, there is no other choice here" I said in a serious tone, stepping towards him. "Why don't you murder both of us then {y/k/n}" I put my hands on his shoulders, I'm surprised he didn't push me off "I'm not about to kill the one man in this facility that might understand the weight of this choice". "Kobra now!" there's was a stinging in my neck and my mind clouded "Get her out of her and back to the car, most of the guards are dead but I think you guys can handle it". "What about you Party?" "I'm not leaving without her, we'll be there soon" he pushed them out and leaned down in front of me "{y/k/n}, please come with me".

"You can't save her, how long before she's torn to pieces by a pack of mutts, and that's if she hasn't been raped and murdered first". "She won't, we'll protect her" I sighed in defeat and gave up, my body feeling weak. Suddenly, memories filled my mind and I held my head in my hand, pain splitting in my head. I felt Party's hand grab mine "Party? Is that really you?" I felt the evil side of me melt away slowly as I gazed into the eyes of the Killjoy I loved so dearly. "It's me {y/k/n}, I'm here baby" I tried to stand but failed and he picked me up bridal style, running out of Korse's death trap.

- later -

Party explained how Korse kidnapped me and brainwashed me into thinking I hated him. "I'm so glad you're back" he whispered before kissing me longingly, "So am I, I was miserable there, I thought I hated you". He pulled me into a hug "I missed you baby, I missed you so much".

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