"I could ask you the same thing."

"You got a smart ass mouth for someone who ain't even playing yet." I shrugged. "And so do you....for someone who can barely catch the ball."

The guys laughed again. "Damn J, He got yo ass." De'Angelo said.

"Whatever." He mumbled.

"Atleast you ain't no punk rook, I can fuck with that." I threw my jersey over my head, giving him a slight head nod.

"Maybe you'll be on the feild sooner than expected with a attitude like that."

I smirked a little, continuing to get dressed.

Aliyah P.O.V.

"Can we get a drink? I need one before the game starts." I took a deep breath, stepping off the elevator onto the skybox floor.

"You always need a drink, name one game that you sat through without drinking." I sat my bag in the chair beside me, waiting for her to answer me.

".....I don't know, but what does it matter? First games are always nerve racking." I chuckled. "Oh stop it, you've been watching first games for 5 years, Im sure you're used to it by now."

She fanned me off, grabbing a glass of champagne off of one of the tables.

"Before I forget." She said, taking a sip from her glass. "De'Angelo and I are throwing a kick off party to celebrate the new season, and I want your help."

I lifted a brow. "Help doing what? And why do you guys wanna throw a party all of a sudden?"

She shrugged. "It was De'Angelo's idea, he wants to start a new tradition, but I need your help with the food part, you know Im not a good cook girl." I chuckled.

"Just hire someone to cater, because I have too much on my plate to be cooking food for your party."

"What you got going on?" She asked, lifting a brow. "Did you forget I just graduated a few weeks ago? I need to have some time to sit down and start looking for jobs, I didn't get this degree for no reason."

"I know, but damn girl, you just graduated, and it's not like you don't have a job already, you ain't hurting for money, plus your man is a athlete, that takes good care of your ass if I might add." She side-eyed me a little, taking another sip of her champagne.

"I know I worked my way up to the manager position at the boutique, but at the end of the day, that's still my mama's place, that's her business that she created, it's time I venture out and start something of my own, besides, I already told myself that Im gunna give Marissa the manager positon so she can keep her flexible schedule for Skylar's sake until she finds her a good daycare to stay in."

"Okay, well I promise if you help me out with this party, then I'll start helping you job hunt, hell, I'll even help you put the rest of your resume together, if you want me too."

I cracked a small smile.

"And when was the last time you needed to put a resume together? Do you even remember how too?"

She rolled her eyes. "Don't do me, alright? I still know how to do all that, matter of fact, I still have my resume up to date, I mean, I don't plan on using it, but just in case."

I chuckled, shaking my head. "Alright well, if you agree to help me, then I'll help cook for your party.....but you still have to get someone to cater, because Im not making everything."

"Okay, deal."

I leaned back into my seat and crossed my legs, watching the cheerleaders, finish up their routine.

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