Chapter 30 (is it the end?)

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Beth P.O.V

I cracked my eyes open, I felt my body stiff, everything came rushing to me I was alone and alic came and the two men injected me with something, so if he done something to me aren’t I supposed to be in that room, why am I in a different place and unable to move.

“ah..” my throat was sore I was barely able to make a sound that’s wasn’t surprising at all as much as seeing Liam rushing to my side, am I dreaming again or it’s the injection alic gave to me.

He cut my thought “Beth I am here for you, tell me what you need, are you in pain?!” he asked holding my hand.

“am..” I still wasn’t able to say something, maybe I am not dreaming I think this is real because I am starting to feel pain in my whole body.

He noticed “Aiden I think we need more morphine” he shouted and Aiden appeared and beside him was Kyle, “I told you I don’t want to see you near her Kyle” Liam shouted and I felt him wanting to lunch himself at Kyle however Aiden was between them.

“calm down Liam he wants to check on her only” Aiden said defending Kyle, Aiden have a such good heart after what Kyle did to him.

“you know exactly who put us into this mess in the first place, I don’t want to argue now just treat her” Liam said angry.

“I can’t” Aiden said “she is already paralyzed from head to toe, more morphine and she can be in a coma” he said disappointed

“you know it’s hell with this kind of pain, her whole body in transformation now you have to do something Aiden” Liam said helplessly.

“alic didn’t complete his work, she is not in transformation I can’t do anything that might risk her life, also her condition is critical since she has a tumor” Aiden said.

“if we just managed to come in time she wouldn’t be like this” William said gloomily.

I wish I could say something to sooth Liam pains he looked helpless trying to help me, I didn’t understand what’s going on the last thing I remember is I was in alic dungeon and now I am surrounded by my friends, I was desperate to know about my family and clear things between Kyle and liam but I have to wait to lose the morphine effect, and with this pain I am feeling now I predict it will be worse once the morphine is gone but I am willing to take the risk just to talk to Liam.

Liam P.O.V

Watching Beth suffer was tormenting I know exactly the kind of pain she is going into now and the fact that I can’t do anything making me depressed, and my thought headed to the person responsible for her state.

I headed out dragging Kyle with me I turned and faced him, anger taking over me “you know you shouldn’t trust alic at all yet you went and gave him Beth in a gold plate” I shouted at him.

“I am sorry I was trying to help Beth, you know I did it out of good intention” he replied.

“I don’t care, you hurt her and I am going to hurt you” I said letting my eyes blaze.

“calm down Liam, he is our friend” will said.

“not after what he done” I said taking a step forward he showed no interest in defending himself, so I punched him on his face, and he went flying backward.

“stop it, both of you, Beth heart rates are dropping” Aiden said peeking out of the room, he went in and we followed him.

She looked pale no more like bluish, I rushed to her said and held her cold hand in mine “Beth listen, you have to fight it” I said trying desperately not to cry, Kyle was at her other side but I ignored him.

She looked at me with a hint of smile on her face, I felt that she wanted to say something but she couldn’t, she just kept looking into my eyes, my tears were streaming on my face as I felt her pulse getting slower and slower.

“ don’t you dare give up” William said behind me, then he turned to Aiden “you have to do something, try to revive her” he said.

“Beth you can’t leave, after all what we went through” I said whispering to her as I suffocated my sobs, my heart aching everything seemed blur, like it was a dream but the pain in my heart was a reminder that it is all real.

Suddenly her whole body jerked “she is having a seizure” Aiden said pushing Kyle aside, her heart rate increased fast, I didn’t know wither it’s good or bad, her nose started to bleed which is a bad sign, I brought tissue and wiped her nose, her body stopped it was quiet to the extent of hearing my friends hearts except for Beth’s heart who was dead silent.   

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