Chapter 16 (truth)

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Liam P.O.V

“what do you think Elizabeth?, you want to go home?” I said focusing on her, she looked shattered.

“don’t be ridiculous Liam we can’t toss her into Alic’s arms” Kyle said angry, and the rest nodded in agreement.

“what are we supposed to do then, if we get caught with her they will think we kidnapped her” I said annoyed.

“yeah liam is right, I can’t put you all in this position” she said, all of them looked at her awkwardly because it’s the first time she agreed with me on anything, I felt guilty.

“look we will take her to her checkups, from their she can call her family and tell them what ever suit her” I said.

“I don’t want to go to a hospital” she said as I noticed a hint of anger in her tone.

“you’re not afraid of hospitals or something right?” I said confuse.

“as matter of fact I have hospital phobia” she said lying.

Kyle took her hand in his palm “you don’t have to be afraid we are all with you, we only want to make sure you are fine and don’t worry about alic”

“I have an idea, why don’t we split, two will go with her and the rest of us will draw alic outside of the state” William said

“yeah and how would we draw him without getting caught by him” I replied.

“didn’t you say that alic found you when you used your power at that time, so when we use our power alic find us, and if we are out of the state he will try finding us, and probably will forget about Elizabeth and she will be safe” he said excited.

“I think will’s idea is good, and you don’t have to babysit me, just drop me at the hospital and go join the rest” she said looking at me.

“will talk about it there, let’s get to the hospital first” I said, she looked like she wanted to say something but she sat in her place silently.

William dropped Aiden, Kyle and Elizabeth at the hospital in about half an hour, and me and Jeremiah  and Nate went with him to go out of the state, I was kind of annoyed that I left her but I didn’t want to show that I have any interest in her which I do have , but I don’t want to admit it since she has a boyfriend it’s for the best to stay away from her.

Beth P.O.V

Liam left with them I was sad I don’t know why maybe because I am afraid he’ll get caught or maybe because I’ll miss fighting with him or maybe because I like him, no no no way I should not like anyone I am about to die I don’t want a reason will make me want to live I already accepted my fate.

“what’s wrong? you look sad” Kyle said looking into my eyes.

“nothing it’s just, ammm never mind” I said.

“wait here I’ll be back in a second” Aiden said.

“wait aiden I have something to tell you” I said then he stopped and looked at me.

“what is it?” he said, I didn’t know how should I say it, ‘well I have a tumor and I will die soon so don’t bother take me to checkups’ that’s sound awful and I don’t want them to pity me but they should know.

“well, the reason why I don’t want to go to do checkups is that I already know what’s wrong with me” I said as I took a deep breath.

“which is what?, it’s not the fever if that what you mean” Aiden said.

“no it’s not, I wish if it was only that” I said and they looked at me confused so I said it “ I have brain tumor” I said as I took in their surprised reaction, but the worse thing is that I started crying I don’t know why, it was the first time I cried since I knew about it, I saw between my tears a hand reaching for , I looked and it was kyle hugging me tightly to his chest and that made me sobs harder.

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