Chapter 11 (reunited)

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Liam P.O.V

“No no no, you don’t have to help me, I don’t need your plan, probably you can return home safly and forget about all of this” I said

“but..” she tried to talk but noticed that I will not accept it.

“relax guys, we should wait for Kyle to come he will help us” Aiden interrupt us.

“I’ll walk out, I need a fresh air” I said as I stood up.

“yeah it would be better to clear your head a bit” aiden said .

She remind silent, I opened the door and was welcomed by a cold breeze, I looked for my surrounding, I feel curious to know what she had in her mind but I refuse to drag her to alic hell.

Beth P.O.V

Why was I trying to help him so bad, it’s not my problem, but to think he went through the same situation I was in now made my heart warm towards him, I was left with Aiden who tried to ignore me and kept sipping on his coffee, “ so can you tell me how you are related to him?” I said as my gaze went to the door that Liam went through second ago.

“It’s complicated, I can’t tell you, if we meets again I might share the story” he said as he walked to the kitchen.

‘What’s wrong with these guys?!, is it going to hurt if they shared some truth, I am just too tired to argue and my head is spinning because of the fever’ I thought as I laid on the sofa, it was matter of minute then I drifted to sleep, probably because of the medicine Aiden gave to me.

I don’t know how long I’ve been sleeping but I was hungry and I heard someone arguing *liam arguing*, I opened my eyes and looked around me there were an intense conversation going on in the kitchen, then I heard someone else voice “seriously liam you think alic will let that poor girl alone, how can you think about sending her home” , it was rough but it held deep concern about me.

“what do you want me to do, probably alic couldn’t recognize her because there was a lot of smoke there, beside I can’t drag her with me everywhere and maybe her family is freaking out right now looking for her” Liam spat at whoever was arguing with him, oh I forgot to call my family they are probably worried.

“you think alic can’t find her, fine let the blood of this incent girl be on your hand, she saved your live and that’s how you repay her?!!” that person spoke again.

Another strange voice spoke“ wait guys relax, don’t fight beside we should consider that girl opinion since she is awake now” wait how did he know, I heard them moving in the kitchen coming out, I saw Aiden come first and Liam with his head down not wanting to meet my gaze then four other boys came, not regular boys who you meet every day they all looked attractive, each one of them had a unique style, oh boy I think the fever just raised more at their powerful gaze on me.  

“hi my name is Kyle, nice to meet the hero who saved our baby boy Liam” said the one who kept arguing with Liam.

“amm hi, my name is Elizabeth but you can call me beth” I said trying to sound girly, and I saw Liam jaw almost drop at my response.

Liam P.O.V

I can’t believe that soft sound came from that little ninja girl, “this playboy here is will and the one next to him is Nate and the shy one beside Aiden called Jeremiah” Kyle said to her

“hi beautiful” will said as he grabbed her hand and kissed it, she blushed at his action, wow this girl bring wonder to my world.

“hi beth” my big friend Nate said as he shake her hand and almost took it out, I smirked at her surprised reaction.

Then Jeremiah nodded with his head as to say hi typical Jer always shy around girls, and she nodded back.

“so those are my friend, they are in the same situation as me, we have been hiding from Alic and he wants to take us down so they will help us to hide for a bit until we come with a better plan” I said drawing her attention from my friends before she drool over them.




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