Chapter 25 ( a slap and a kiss)

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Liam P.O.V

After I calmed down I started to think of a plan to rescue Beth, I was the reason why she is under alic hold and I will be the reason that will get her out.

“shouldn’t we just go and sneak there and get her out?” William asked.

“you think alic wouldn’t be prepared, we can’t go unprepared, there is so much risk” Nate said.

“let us get there at first then we will think of a plan on the way, I don’t force anyone to come with me, but I would appreciate your help” I said looking at them.

“I am only going because I want Beth to see me as her saving prince” William said and we all looked at him then laughed.

“what ?!!!!” he argued but we ignored him and took our bags to head to the car.

After all the procedure in the airport we were finally on the plane, I was with Jeremiah, Nate and will were couple of seats behind us.

“have you thought of a plan?” jer asked.

“no, once I meet Aiden I’ll think of something” I replied.

“I think we should start practicing our powers” jer said and he had a point with extra advantage we can manage to break through and save her, but at that time the guard were normal people I guess now alic must have made them like us which will sweep our advantage to extremity.

“we can’t use them at all, alic have a tracking device in our bodies that get activated when we use our power, if he knew we are here, we are doomed” I said disappointed.

“what if we remove it” he said optimistic.

“how?! We don’t know where it’s exactly! Also Aiden tried to find it but he failed” I said.

“remember when they were scanning us in the airport the machine kept peeping when it came to our shoulder, and they thought it was broken but maybe it’s where the tracking device is” he said smiling widely.

“we will let Aiden remove it for us once we get there” I said.

Beth P.O.V

I woke up in cell like room, I held my head as the memory of my dad horrible death played again on my mind, I refused to cry and be weak so I stood up and walked around to explore the place it wasn’t like a hospital but the opposite it was a normal room and the furniture were colorful and there was a closet and a bathroom, which surprisingly all were clean and neat not the dungeon I expected.

I rushed to the door and knocked it as hard as I could, “OPEN THE DOOR you as*holes” I said as I tried to break the door, which is suddenly opened and a big guy appeared he looked like Nate I thought it was him until he slapped me and knocked me to the ground.

“let me hear your voice again and you will be chained to the bed” he growled at me, I shivered in fear but I managed to glare back at him as I held my cheek, once he shut the door I fought an urge to kick the door, I walked to the bathroom and washed my face that looked like zombie with a red hand mark on my cheek and I started crying after 10 minute I calmed down.  

As I was out of the bathroom I met Kyle eyes who was sitting on my bed waiting for me, as he noticed the mark on my face and my red eyes he was at my side in two strides, he stretched his hand to touch my cheek but I dodged so he lowered his hand to his side.

“who did this to you?” he said angry.

“the man outside, what are you going to do? Will you Go and punch him?!!” I said sarcastically, I noticed him clench his fists at my response.

“why are you talking to me this way?” he said in a sad tone.

“you are the reason why one of my parents is dead and the other God knows where? And you want me to be cool and smile to you” I paused to wipe a tear “I thought if I dealt with this matter by myself everything will be fine since I am dead anyway but now it will never ever be fine, my mother will hate me as she lost her husband because of me, dad is dead and this maniac want to do some experiments on me!! What were you thinking by bringing me to here?!! Is that your way to show that you love me?!! I hate you Kyle go and save your mother and get the hell out of my life” I said irritated.

I didn’t expect his next movement I was in total shock when he kissed me, my vision was blur and his lips were soft and hypnotizing I closed my eyes involuntary, I never thought a kiss can make me this fragile and unable to stand on my feet, he held my waist to support my body and I clutched his hair and his hand were warm, no one embraced me like this before and to kiss me this way, EXPECT LIAM at the thought of Liam I desperately tried to push Kyle who was so hooked on the kiss.

“why did you KISS ME ?!!!” I screamed at him.

“you didn’t like it?” he said back.

“this is not what I asked you” I said trying to fetch some of my anger back.

“ because you didn’t give me a chance to explain myself and tell you that your mother and father are perfectly safe and sound, your father is being treated at the moment and your mother is with him, and I will make sure to see them go home safely” he said smiling, I fought to keep my hands away from him and not to hug or kiss him out of happiness I don’t want him to get the wrong impression.

“what about your mother” I said as I noticed he was a bit sad.

“she is dead” he simply said I noticed he was struggling to hide his emotion, so I hugged him tightly.

“I am so sorry” I said and I felt guilty as I shouted at him before.

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