Chapter 1(drugs party)

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I've been a good a girl for a long time, having good grades, cooking for my family and acting like a really really old lady, even though I took taekwondo lessons to break my every day routine I still feel that there is something missing, now my life is coming to an end I feel helpless and that I missing a lot, yeah I recently knew that I have brain tumor it's horrible I know but I accepted it after all I may survive after the surgery .

"what the heck did u do to your beautiful blonde hair" mom said with incredibly wide eyes.

"mom stop holding your breath, after all it will be shaved after one month" I said as carefree I could but actually my heart aches at that thought .

"are you out of your mind bethy" mom said shocked by my reaction, I don't blame her though she never saw that side of me before.

" mom relax it's not permanent, just one wash and bling bling blondy as ever has appeared" I said reassuring her.

Her expression softened "so I heard from your friend ashely that you're going to a party , I ..I just came to say be careful and come back early" she left as soon as she finished , wow my mother argued a lot about me going to parties guess she accepted the fact that I might not live along ....awch that hurt a bit.

At least she doesn't know that it's drugs
party I better get going before she go around asking who hosted this party.

After I got dressed up I dragged my friend ashely to my car " why did you tell mom about this party?" I said as I got in.

"cause I hoped she would stop you from going to" she sighed.

"come on ash it will be fun" I said as I started the engine, yeah I want to have a bit of everything before I rest underground for eternity.

As the clock hit 8:00pm we arrived, the location was far and deep into forest like it was a secret party, this is interesting .

Ash dragged her tiny body like an old lady and rolled her eyes at me " what? You have to admit it is kind of interesting ?" I said to her.

"yeah your damn right, since we are near the haunted house that even the police don't dare to come near it" she said as she looked at the peak of the house that appearing between the trees .

" whatever it's far from us" I held her hand aggressively and dragged her where the noises coming from.

I was totally disappointed it looked far from the word fun, there was like a low music and about 25 person grouped each side they were like in other planet, talking nonsenses and laughing suddenly.

"OMG" Ash shouted.

"listen we can make it better" I said trying to convince myself more than her.

She ignored me and I watched her walk angry with her blue eyes burning and her brown curly hair bouncing around her towards a boy that looked exactly like her boyfriend 'max' and he was clearly focused on the wasted girl beside him 'poor guy' I said as ash grabbed his ear and dragged him.

"aw aw aw listen babe we were only talking" he said with a puppy eyes .

"maximilian don't you dare lie to me, you said you're going out with your friends" she said as she took off his car keys from his pocket.

"I am with my friends" he said as she dragged him to the parking area.

I clearly have been forgotten, they continued arguing as they disappeared between the trees.

'This is the first time I am left in a party without any one with me, well everything have to be the first at some point, sure I will adapt' I said to myself as I walked toward the less awkward group there.

Next chap (dare)

hope u liked it so far cause still there is a lot to happen

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