With Maddie knocked out, Carlo called the police so they could come and get her. The three of them sat there in silence, waiting for the police. Surprisingly enough, Maddie didn't wake up, at all. When the police arrived, they took Maddie with no hesitation. Since the sun was setting soon and Lito wanted to get home, he left. Dante offered to walk him home, but Lito declined. Lito didn't want Dante to walk him home, he wanted Dante to relax after everything that had happened. Lito had told Dante to just take it easy for the night, and they did. 

When Lito arrived at his house, he saw Aiyanna was in the yard, gardening with Angela. She must have changed her mind, Lito thought. Aiyanna heard footsteps, and when she looked up to see Lito, she had the biggest smile on her face. She dropped the hose, ran towards Lito, and embraced him. Lito laughed with Angela. After Aiyanna and Lito's reunion, Lito went to talk to Angela. Before he could say anything, she had already read his mind.

"We talked, Lito. I told Aiyanna I didn't mean to make her feel bad, I was trying to teach her a lesson," Angela said in a serious tone. 

"But, I thought you were going to send her to a different foster home," Lito added. 

"She agreed to behave," Angela stated. Lito nodded, then walked into the house, leaving Angela and Aiyanna alone. Aiyanna picked up the hose to begin watering the plants, but Angela took it away from her. Aiyanna was confused. 

"I thought I was watering plants?" Aiyanna asked, then frowned.

"Just leave it to me, honey. You go and play," Angela smiled. Aiyanna's frown instantly turned to a smile, then her smile turned into hugging Angela. 

"Thank you m-" Aiyanna stopped herself. Angela looked down. They both know what word she was going to say. 

"Go and play, Aiyanna," Angela said, patting Aiyanna on the back. With that, Aiyanna went into the house to go ask Lito if he could go swimming. It had been a while since she had went swimming, anyway. 

"Lito?" Aiyanna called out. Lito was in his room, trying to start his computer when he heard Aiyanna.

"Yes?" He responded back. Aiyanna went to his room. Lito looked up from his computer screen.

"What do you need, Aiyanna?" Lito asked. 

"Want to go swimming?" Aiyanna asked, jumping up and down with excitement. Lito wanted to spend time on the computer but he would had to say no. Aiyanna looked so excited and happy. 

"Is it okay if you wait an hour?" Lito asked, hoping Aiyanna would wait for him, then forget about it. 

"That's okay, Lito!" Aiyanna exclaimed, then went to Alice's room to ask her if she wanted to go swimming with her. The door to Alice's room was closed, so she banged on it to get her attention. Alice was still sleeping, so she was not happy about the banging on her door.

"Whaaaaaaaaaat Lito?" Alice groaned. 

"It's me, Aiyanna! Want to go swimming?" Aiyanna asked. Alice sat up, and changed her tone. She didn't want to say no to Aiyanna, just like Lito didn't.

"Sure, Aiyanna!" Alice replied. Alice quickly changed into her bathing suit, and opened the door to see Aiyanna sitting there.

"Well, Aiyanna, are you going to change into your swimsuit?" Alice asked. Aiyanna went to go changed, and they were headed for the back yard. 


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