Luckily for everyone, Alice stopped me and our dad from advancing the fight. We all just stood there for a second, trying to calm down and process exactly what had happened, as well as waiting for the pain to numb a little. Our dad was the first to speak,

"I'm sorry Lito." He said, sounding sincere. He has anger issues, and while I don't get angered very easily, when I do it's not pretty. I hesitated before apologizing.

"Sorry." I said tightly through clenched teeth.

"There, now neither of you are hurt to badly are you?" Alice asked. We both just nodded, and I ran back up the stairs to cool off. Dante and Carlo were playing a game on my Xbox, not disturbing me because they know by now that need alone time to cool off and they also know just how aggravated I get with my dad.

"Hey, when did Justin say we're leaving?" Carlo asked no one in particular. 

"About lunchtime." I responded as I moved from where I was perched on my bed to where the twins were slouching on the bean bags on the floor near the TV.

"Mind if I join?" I asked.

"It's your game so ya of course." Dante said while passing me a controler. I sat down in between them and we played various games until Justin texted us telling us to get our asses over to the boat along with anything we haven't already packed.

"You guys all packed?" I asked; they just nodded in response. We walked down stairs saying our goodbyes to our parents, and my mom told me to call her every once in awhile. I really shouldn't have told her about having chargers and a wireless hotspot. In response I told her to tell me if she saw Aiyanna.

The walk to the houseboat was short of course, but it felt longer than it actually was. I was having the sudden realization that I won't see that house, my parents, this beach, or anything else here for months. It got my adrenaline pumping, which is honestly a feeling I despise. When we got near the house boat, we could see everybody eating pre-made sandwiches on the sand. I was about to call out and ask who brought the sandwiches when I felt a feather-light tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Dante looking like he wanted to say something so I waited for Carlo to pass by before asking what he wanted to say.

"Well, you see, I was thinking that if we're gonna live with them, we should probably tell them that we're, y'know..." He trailed off.

"Dating?" I finished for him.


"Okay, so if it's alright with you, I'm gonna tell them right now." I said, waiting for him to respond, and when he nodded his head I walked off, pulling his behind me. I stood in front of the group of our friends and slung my arm over Dante's shoulders. I got a few questioning glances, to which I smiled.

"AHEM!" I cleared my throat loudly, getting everyone's attention.

"WE'RE DATING." I said bluntly. Nobody looked exactly surprised. 

"I knew it! I fucking knew you guys had something going on!" Jaymarie said excitedly. She likes to 'ship' people, and i'm pretty sure we just brought a ship of hers to life. 

"Anyways, who has the sandwiches? I'm starving!" Justin tossed me and Dante a sandwich, which we both gobbled up promptly. once everyone was done, we started climbing aboard the houseboat, excited yet anxious to leave.

"You guys ready?" Justin, who was steering, asked. We all replied enthusiastically, and shared excited glances as he started it up and slowly began to move away from the shore, farther and farther until we could hardly see it.



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