I was laying in my bed, trying to fall back asleep when I heard a beep from my phone. I rolled over and opened up to my text messages. It  was from Jaymarie which was weird because we rarely ever text.

                  I fucking knew something was off! He's been even more cheery than usual, which he only does when he's hiding something

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                  I fucking knew something was off! He's been even more cheery than usual, which he only does when he's hiding something. He was depressed in middle school, but he hasn't mentioned it since. I know he doesn't like talking about it, so I never mentioned it. I tried to think of something to text back, but what the hell do you say to that? Of course my first reaction would be to comfort him, but the text came from Jaymarie, not him. Everyone would still be asleep, so I decided to walk over to his house; well it was more of a run really. I walked straight in, knowing that their parents wouldn't care. I figured he would be in his room so that was the first place I checked,and when I walked in I saw him and Dante arguing. Neither of them noticed my entrance so I walked right over to Carlo, and he eventually noticed me.

"Lito what're you doing here?"

"Why didn't you tell us?" I asked, looking him right in the eye. His expression went from pissed to calm to helpless in a flash.

"I don't know what you're talking about...." He trailed off as his head started to hang low.

"It was obvious something was wrong, you know you can tell us anything." I said, resting my hand on his shoulder and leaning forward a little to catch his gaze, not having to lean down since he was taller than me. 

"I didn't want to worry you." He said after a moment of silence.

"You worried us more by not telling us-" Dante was cut off by his ringtone.

"Hello? Oh hey Justin. Oh yeah- wait I thought we were leaving around lunchtime? Oh right, right. Yeah just a sec." He hung up. "Justin wants us to pack up everything so we're all ready by lunch time, you got your stuff?

"Yeah." Me and Carlo responded.

"Carlo?" I started.


"Please don't kill yourself. I don't know how to persuade you not to, but goddamnit, if it's just about Jaymarie then you can find someone else, I mean yeah she's cool but there's literally like 7 billion people in the world." I said while trying to keep my tears from spilling. I know the whole stereotype that guys don't cry, but fuck that! My best friend wants to kill himself, of course i'm gonna get teary-eyed!

"I won't." He said simply.

"Promise?" I asked. He hesitated for a moment; he knows how much value promises hold for me.

"I promise." He said with a small smile. "Well i'm gonna go run down to the shore and pack my stuff in the houseboat, i'll meet you guys down there."


I walked back home and grabbed my bags, then silently walked down to where Carlo and Dante were packing their stuff into the houseboat. After swiftly shoving my stuff into the big chest on board, I announced that I was gonna go back home and eat breakfast, seeing as it was about 6:45 am.

"Oooooh, I'll make it!" Carlo said in his usual happy voice. Not his extra cheery 'i'm-hiding -something- kinda cheery, but his normal 'Carlo' cheery.


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