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While we were eating dinner, I got a text. It said it was from Dante, so I put it right back in my pocket. I was looking forward to not thinking about him for the entirety of the trip, but that obviously didn't happen.

           I finished my pizza and headed to the hotel room that I was sharing with Alice. When I walked in, she looked like she was about to say something, but I sent her a look of warning. She didn't say whatever she was going to say, so I went straight to my bed and lied down, not bothering to change out of my still damp swim trunks. It wasn't long before I fell asleep.

             It also wasn't long before I was woken up. 

"Hmmmm?" I groaned while rubbing my eyes. ,I looked at the clock and it read 11:36.

 "Mom said that we gotta leave, we didn't bring enough money to pay for tomorrow." Alice said quietly. She already had her stuff packed and since I never changed I only had to put my towel and shirt in my bag. When I went to put my shoes on, I saw Aiyanna looking at me.

 "Sorry about hitting your nose Aiyanna, I should've been more careful." I apologized, kneeling down so I could look her in the eye without looking down. 

"It's okay!" She said and hugged my neck. Little kids are so forgiving.

          "C'mon guys, lets go!" Mom said while opening the door.

     I don't really remember much after that, before I fell back asleep, I thought about Dante. Maybe I do like him. I just didn't really know what to do. I was so nervous. I didn't wake up until we were about 5 minutes away from home. I remembered what Alice said in the lazy river about them waiting for us at the house. What if they are? I never did read Dante's text, so I decided to do that now. 'sorry about hanging up,ig we'll talk whenever you get home.'  Wait, when I get home? I think they actually are waiting for me to get home. What am I gonna do? Well, first, what do I want to do? Well what I want to do is just burst in and hug him, but what would he do? I mean he did hang up on me. Carlo and everyone else will be there too and it'd be hella suspicious if I just hugged him. I usually hate hugs so yeah I don't think that's even an option. What if I got him alone first? I doubt he would let me. 

             "We're here!" Aiyanna said excitedly. We all grabbed our stuff and headed inside. I was the first in, so I saw Carlo sleeping on the couch and Dante sitting on the steps that lead upstairs. Mom and dad knew we were all so close, they could come in whenever they wanted to. My room was upstairs, so there was no way I was getting there unnoticed. When I started walking  to the stairs, he noticed me.  

"Um, I need to talk to you."I said quietly to Dante. He just nodded and followed me to my room. When we got there, he just sat on the edge of my bed and waited for me to say something. I was putting my stuff away in the drawers on the other side of my bed, so his back was to me. After I put my clothes away and silently closed the drawer, I became more than aware of the awkward silence. I know what I want to do, but should I? I mean, If I were him i'd be pretty pissed if my crush didn't notice for so long: and last time I saw Dante mad, shit went down.

           I decided to just go for it. Since his back was to me, I climbed onto the bed behind him and before he could turn around or  even fully process what was happening, I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder. Even from behind him, I could see how red his face got. It was adorable, honestly. 

"U-uh, Lito?" He stuttered. "I'm so sorry I didn't notice. I'm glad Jaymarie told me." I said softly into his ear, hoping he doesn't get upset.

"Jaymarie told you? I never told her..... Alice! That blabbermouth!" He said with more than slight anger. 

"Well, I'm just glad I know, cause guess what?" I asked. 

"Hmmmm?" His face not getting any less red. I reached around him and grabbed his chin, lightly pulling it towards me.

 "I love you too." I was about to kiss him when I heard the door open. We both jumped back. 

              "Hey Lito! Wanna-" "AIYANNA! LEARN TO KNOCK!" I shouted, cutting her off. 


"Get. Out. Now!" I said angrily. She turned and ran off. I felt kinda guilty, I've been ignoring my best friend, I finally get the courage to talk to him, and he doesn't get mad, but she interrupts. Seriously, there's a door there for a reason!


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