"Coming back for more, aren't ya?" Maddie asked, turning her head to look at me. She spoke so clearly and calmly, that I had a hard time wrapping my mind around the fact that she currently had my friends at knifepoint. Dante was knocked out cold, whereas Carlo was struggling against the rope that had him tied up. I started walking towards her, trying to suppress the urge to tackle her right then and there. She turned to look at me, curiously this time.

"Say, would you happen to know why Dante left me?" She asked, sounding and looking genuinely confused.

"I don't know, maybe because you're insane?" I answered.

"I only want him to be happy, and he always seemed so happy to be near me." 

"You have no fucking idea how paranoid he has been, he's scared for his life and the life of his friends and family because of you! That doesn't make him happy!" I shouted at her. I must've been pretty loud because Dante stirred in his sleep. 

"But once you're all gone, he'll be happy with me.... once you're gone....." She trailed off. She sat there for a second before looking me in the eye and giving me another smile, but this one wider than before. I now noticed how bloodshot her eyes were and how dark the circles under her eyes were.

"H-hey, I just want Dante to be happy, and he's not happy with you." I said, resisting the instinctual urge to step back. She slowly stood up and took a step towards me.

"He will be happy with me, you're all in the way!" She mumbled something else about Dante's happiness before falling over. I was extremely confused as to why, at least until I saw Carlo lying on his side behind her. He has thrown himself at her. I took the opportunity and lunged at her. She barely had enough time to raise her knife, but only managed to graze my face before I pinned her down. I didn't waste any time grabbing the knife from her hand and tossing it to the side. I smashed her in the side of her face with my clenched fist, and repeated the motion several times until she stopped moving. I ran to the side and grabbed the knife, then continued on to hastily cut the rope off of the twins. I started with Carlo since he was awake, so he could help me untie Dante.

"So, what the actual fuck happened here?" I asked as I was cutting the rope off of Carlo.

"Mhhhe mhhh." I looked up to  see that he still had the tape over his mouth. I reached up and ripped it off in one swift movement.

"First of all, ow, and second, Dante stayed home to clean while I went to the store, And when I got back he was gone and wasn't answering his phone. I looked around for him and finally called you; that's when the psycho came. Ah, thanks." He said as I finished cutting the ropes. We moved to Dante who was starting to wake up.  

              'He went out with that psycho? She could've fucking killed him! Dante almost died.' I thought to myself. The last three word rung in my head as I untied him. He woke up when I ripped the tape off of his mouth.

"Ow..." He groaned.

"Sorry, are you okay? Are you hurt?" I asked him, extremely worried.

"I-im fine. Your face..." He trailed his fingers around the cut on my face. 

"It's alright, it's really shallow." I said, assuring him I was fine.

"She could've killed you." I said quietly, more to myself than to either of them.

"But she didn't." He replied with a smile. I hugged him, how could I not?


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