The mall is so boring. I eventually got tired of walking around Banana Republic acting like I was gonna buy something, so I decided to go to Hot Topic. The only thing I like about the mall is that Dante works at the Hot Topic there. Dante is one of the friends that was screaming my rage-filled lullaby last night. His twin, Carlo, sometimes hangs out in the store so whenever I have to go to the store with my family I usually just stay there the whole time.

           When I walked into Hot topic, I saw Dante running around chasing Carlo, who was sporting a bright green leprechaun hat. It might seem strange to you, but i'm used to it. Once Dante saw me, he asked me to help him get the hat back and put it back on the shelf at Spencer's. The two of us, along with a rather pissed Spencer's employee chased him around the store until we finally managed to corner him. He tried to  climb on the shelves to get away but before he could start climbing, I tackled him to the ground,pinning his arms above him and basically sitting on his stomach. "Dante, grab the hat" Instead of getting off of Carlo when Dante grabbed the hat, I decided to continue sitting on him until the hat was returned to the shelves at Spencer's. I got some weird looks from customers, but I honestly couldn't care less. Eventually Dante came back and went behind the desk and sent Carlo a strange look.He looked upset; no, he looked pissed. Carlo just smiled back and Dante's face turned a little pink. Wonder why.

                "Sooooooooo, Lito, When'r ya gonna get off of me?" Carlo said after his and Dante's little exchange. I got a text from mom saying to meet her at the food court.

 "Now" I responded to Carlo's earlier question and got off of him. I started heading to the exit.

 "Where ya goin'?" Dante asked.

 "I gotta meet my mom at the food court." I said while walking past him. 

Carlo ran to catch up to me, and said, "Oooooh, can we come? Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseeeeeeeeeee?" Carlo asked. 

Both of them were walking with me towards the escalator now. 

"Sure," I said. "Just try not to get your shoelaces caught in the escalator this time." I sent an accusing glare are Dante.

 Last time we were together at the mall he got his shoelaces stuck in the escalator and they had to stop it and we got lectured by some custodian. When I sent Dante that look, I noticed his face was still a little pink.

 "Are you okay Dante?"

 "I-I'm fine, why do you ask?" He responded.

 "Your face is pink." I said while putting my hand on his forehead to check his temperature. His face only got darker. He was pretty warm. 

"Are you sure you're not sick?" I asked.

 "I'm sure, I'm fi-" Before he could finish his thought, he tripped. The escalator had reached the bottom and he had failed to step off in time so his foot got caught on the ground and he tripped over himself. Before he reached the ground though, I grabbed his forearm and pulled him towards me. I thought that by doing that I would keep him from falling, but I also tripped over the bottom of the escalator and me pulling him just made him fall on top of me.

            His face turned even darker than before, which I didn't think was possible. He carefully got up and offered me a hand, which took gratefully. I heard my phone beep so I reached into my pocket and fished out my phone. I saw that I got another text from my mom reading 'Where the hell are you? Hurry up' 

"Hey guys I gotta get to the food court." I said then started running off. I looked back to see if the twins were following me, and saw them talking. Carlo had his hand on Dante's shoulder and was smiling while Dante had his hands covering his face. I'll have to ask Dante what's wrong later because he's asking really weird lately. Oh yeah, Carlo told me that Dante he had been having issues with his girlfriend for a while and that they broke up yesterday so that might have something to do with it.

          I eventually made my way to the food court where my parents, Alice, and Aiyanna were waiting at a table for me. As soon as I came near the table my mom asked what took me so long. I explained how I had helped get the hat back from Carlo and how Dante had fallen at at the escalator. I also explained how Dante had been acting weird, which everyone brushed off; except for Alice, she laughed and asked where Dante was now 

"Him and Carlo were talking by the escalator when I left them. Alice was smiling like an idiot, well more of an idiot than she usually is.

 "Why are you smiling?" I asked her.

 "Nothing, nothing." She said while still smiling. She knows something I don't about Dante. But Dante's like a brother to me, why would he tell her something that he wouldn't tell me?


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