Once we arrived at Splash Works, put on sunscreen and put our stuff in a locker, we headed straight to the wave pool to feel the water. Aiyanna ran straight into the water with us not too far behind. The water was really nice. Once the waves started, we had a blast trying to run straight through them, dive under them and trying to literally go with the flow and just ride them. 

             "Hey, Aiyanna, don't go to deep!" Mom shouted for the 6th time. Aiyanna is a really good swimmer, but I was getting a little anxious watching the tiny girl ride the waves in the deep water. The waves eventually stopped, so we went to some of the slides. Aiyanna was ecstatic so go on the steepest, curviest, most intense slides, whereas the rest of us were a bit afraid to follow her onto them. Well at least I was. 

            It was pretty funny actually, watching mom run around trying to keep her eyes on Aiyanna while she went on every slide and ride. We had all tired out after about an hour, but Aiyanna was still energized. We got some dippin' dots. Who had the idea to make dots of ice cream anyway? 

"Aiyanna, don't throw dippin' dots at the birds!" She stopped throwing them at the birds, and instead started throwing them up in the air, trying to catch them in her mouth.

 "I think we're all pretty tired out, how about we head to the lazy river?" Dad suggested. 

"Yes!" Me and Alice said in unison. While we do argue a lot, we can agree on one thing; being surrounded with hoards of people and running around all day is hella exhausting.

           Once we got in the lazy river, mom and dad started chatting, Aiyanna nearly fell asleep, and me and Alice just relaxed. After sitting in silence for a while, Alice finally broke the ice, 

"Carlo and Dante haven't came over in like, a week before we got here, did something happen?"  I didn't want to have to think about that since we are sorta on vacation, but I also didn't wanna lie to her. She has a way of always finding out when and what i'm lying about.

 "Jaymarie told me something about Dante." I said, telling the truth, just not the whole truth. Instantly, her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. 

"Does he know she told you?" 

"No, I've uh, kinda been ignoring him and Carlo since Tuesday when she told me." I replied, feeling guilty about ignoring them. 

"They're probably scared shitless! you haven't missed a call or text from them in years! I wouldn't be surprised if they're waiting for you at the house." She said, trying not to be too loud. 

"Hey, once we make it up there we're gonna get our stuff from the locker and head back to the hotel." Dad announced to us while pointing towards steps leading out of the water.

         We slowly floated towards the stairs and climbed out. since it was getting later it was also getting kinda chilly, especially since we were all wet. We slung our towels around ourselves and went to the lockers. I was actually kinda sad that our little vacation was over. Well, not completely over yet; we still have the hotel room for all of tomorrow.


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