I felt guilty for yelling at Aiyanna like that, I mean she is only 6 so I gotta have some patience with her. I went to go  apologize to her but I never expected to see her chugging vitamins. When I shouted her name, she stopped chugging and her eyes widened. 

"What are you doing?!" I said, trying to keep my voice low. She didn't answer. There were two clear options at the time; yell at her and get our parents, or try to calm her down myself. She probably doesn't wanna see dad for a while, nor do I want him near her. I noticed she was crying, so I tried my best to sooth her, which although it was my best, it probably wasn't very good. 

"H-Hey, shhh, I won't tell okay? Just....why? Why were you doing that?" 

"I-I Wanna disappear like mom did." She said while wiping her tears away. I was confused for a second before realizing she meant her mom. Her mom died of an overdose on pills, so by 'disappear' she meant she wanted to die. I reached out to hug her but before I even touched her she climbed into my lap and hugged my arm.

                We stayed like that for a while, her curled up in my lap clutching my arm, slowly starting to cry a little less, while vitamins were everywhere scattered over the floor. After a few minutes, I got kinda paranoid that someone would walk in and get suspicious of all the vitamins on the floor. 

"Hey, we should probably clean this up." She nodded and we got to work. Most of the vitamins had either fallen on the floor or she had spit them out, so I figured she'd be alright. but she did take like 20, and you're only supposed to take one or two. I know I said I wouldn't tell, but I might.  


We sat around the table while Dante was still in my room probably sleeping. Mom had made herself and Aiyanna chicken sandwiches, dad and myself ate leftover pizza, and I have no fucking idea where Alice is. Apparently,  Dante had woken up because he came out of my room and layed down on the couch wearing a loose shirt and sweatpants he borrowed from me. 

"What's that?" Aiyanna asked, pointing at a mark on his collar bone. Both mine and his faces turned pink. 

"My cat bit me." He lied. 

"Okie!" She said, believing the lie. I sent him a smirk and he fake-pouted.

 Two words: Fucking. Adorable.

          "Hey Lito! Wanna go on a walk after we eat?" Aiyanna asked excitedly. 

"Sure." I replied. After we all finished eating and cleaning up, me and Aiyanna put out shoes on and left. We planned on walking around the block then stopping by the lake. The walk was quiet of a while, but not an awkward quiet, just quiet. 

"You won't tell will you?" She asked. 

"About the vitamins?" 


"No, well, as long as you don't do anything like that again." I replied.


           "Hey, HEY! Young lady! Yeah you!"  Some old guy said, pointing at me. 

"He's a boy!" Aiyanna piped up. 

"You know the legend of this lake?" He asked. 

"Uh, no but we're gonna le-" 

"THEY SAY THIS OCEAN IS FULL OF MONSTERS!" he shouted while walking towards us. It's not even an ocean. This must be the delusional old guy Alice was talking about the other day. Aiyanna clung to my arm and we started walking back towards the house with the weirdo yelling after us. 

"IT'S TRUE! THEY KILLED ME! I DIED! I'M DEAD! THEY'RE GONNA KILL YOU FUCKERS!" We ran back home and when mom asked why we were back so soon we explained what happened. Alice got home from wherever she was and of course she has to say..

"I told you so!"


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