I've Got What I Wanted. Part 7

Start from the beginning

“And you’ll be in two months,” he chuckled and set me back on the ground.

“Yeah not as old as the boyfriend,” Adam mumbled beside us.

“Ignore him,” Aaron whispered as I pulled away from him. I smiled and him and shrugged. “So who’s up for lunch? I finish my class in half an hour,” he said clapping his hands together.

“I’m in, I’m starving,” Adam said putting his hands in his pockets.

“Sorry I’m already going out. But we’ll do Monday?” I asked picking up my bag.

“Sure sounds good,” Aaron said as we walked back towards the building. I just have to find a way of killing an hour before Caleb come and picks me up. “Well I’ve got class in fifteen so I’ll see you on Monday.” We stopped at the bottom of the stairs for Aaron.

“I’ll see you Monday,” I said as he hugged me.

“Have a good night,” he said pulling away. “I’ll see you later Adam,” he said backing up the stairs.

“Yeah see you later,” Adam said as we started walking to the front of the school. I really don’t want to spend too long with Adam. He’s been making comments about Caleb and I for weeks and it’s really annoying me. And it’s pissing Caleb off beyond belief. “Do you want to go get a coffee or something?” He asked as we walked through the front doors of the school.

“I can’t I’m getting the bus now to Caleb’s school.” It was a good idea in my head to get rid of him, but I forgot about what he’d say.

“Yeah I thought that,” he said like it was obvious. I sighed and started walking down the steps.

“Whatever Adam,” I said walking towards the front gates.

“What’s wrong with you?” I heard him say behind me.

“You, you’ve always got a comment about Caleb and I. It’s starting to piss me off,” I told him walking out of the gate and towards the bus stop.

“Well I’m obviously going to have something to say. He’s nearly ten years older than you, he was your teacher and you used to be my girlfriend. And you’re still one of my best friends.” I sighed as I stopped at the bus stop. Thankfully I saw it coming down the road already.

“Well in that case I don’t care anymore. I seriously can’t be bothered with it anymore. So just leave me alone,” I told him as the bus pulled up in front of me.

“You don’t mean that. You’re not going to choose him over me are you?” He said with a slight laugh.

“Yeah basically I am,” I said before getting on the bus. I hate people. I scanned my bus card before getting a seat at the back of the bus. I looked at the clock on my phone and saw that Aaron has ten minutes before his class started. I brought up his number and called him.

“Change your mind about lunch? I’m out of class in half an hour,” he joked.

“No I haven’t changed my mind. But I just wanted to talk to you while I’m going to Caleb’s school.” I said crossing my left leg over the other.

“Why what’s wrong?” He sounded more concerned. “It’s not Adam again,” I laughed and sat back in my chair.

“I told him I’ve had enough. There’s always something he has to say. Aaron I just want it to be like it used to be. Where Adam’s not in sight.” Aaron sighed as I looked out of the window.

“I know, but it’s better you told him rather than putting up with his shit. But you’ve still got me and Caleb and your family. And Beth will be back soon for Christmas.” I let out a long breath and smiled slightly.

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