France x Self-Conscious!Seychelles

Start from the beginning

The Doctor laughed a hearty laugh, "Well. I suppose that means you need those, go ahead and take them. They're under warranty for a year." He said. Michelle nodded and popped off of the chair. Arthur stood and opened the door for his sister. Michelle smiled and thanked him and soon they had driven home.

Soon the week had passed and Michelle woke up excited, quickly she pulled on her favourite blue dress and white sandles. Her hair went up in it's usual ponytails and she did her makeup and popped on her glasses once more. She hadn't told Francis about her glasses because she wanted to surprise him. She ran downstairs.

"Is Francis here?" She asked her brother, said brother shook his head and he looked her over from the kitchen.

"Have you gained weight? It's a bloody shame you have to wear glasses now, you were much prettier without them." He said, Michelle gasped and them glared through her glasses.

"Well I think I look fine! And Francis always tells me I'm beautiful." She shot back.

"Bloody hell! Wear a longer dress! You're too young to dress like a slut, besides your legs are too fat for that dress anyway." Arthur said.

" they're not." Michelle replied, she ran out of the house almost in tears and bumped into the chest of her wonderful boyfriend.

"Michelle? Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?" Francis asked, his worry accidentally making him speak French.

" I fat?" Michelle asked, Francis gasped and knelt down so his face was even with Michelle's.

"Non! You could never be fat, or dare I say ugly! You're beautiful and you always have been." Francis then pushed her glasses up as they had been falling. "And I think your glasses are cute." Michelle closed her eyes to calm herself down then opened them and smiled.

"Thanks Francis, I don't know what I'd do without you." She said, hugging him. Francis pulled her closer.

"I don't know how I did things without you." He said, kissing the crown of her head. "Instead of the fancy restaurant, do you want to just go cloud watching?" Francis asked.

"But didn't the reservations cost money?" Michelle asked, looking up into Francis's clear blue eyes.

"Oui, it did. But you are priceless." Francis replied, pecking her forehead. Michelle giggled.

"Okay, lets go watch some clouds." With that Francis led her to his car and opened the door for her to get in. He then got on his side and drove them to a hill with a clear view of the sky for their date.

When she got home Michelle couldn't erase the smile on her face, Francis had even walked her to her door and kissed her goodbye. When she entered she saw no trace of Arthur and headed to her room where she buried her face in her pillow as she blushed intensely.

A month later Francis had scoured free reservations to the restaurant he decided to not go to for Michelle and has asked her if she wanted to accompany him. She of course said yes and put on a black dress she really liked that Francis had bought her. She put on matching flats and let her hair hang loose because she usually put it up and decided to do something different. She decided against makeup, Francis always complimented her anyway and she didn't care what anybody else thought. When she went downstairs and told Arthur Francis would be there soon he looked over over and Michelle mentally prepared herself once more.

"Oh my gosh...Michelle you've lost so much weight! Are you anorexic?!" Arthur asked with a very shocked expression.

"Ah no...I just started exercising a bit..." Michelle replied, looking at the wall.

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