"I slept wonderful. I didn't wake up once. Right, Elsa?" Rapunzel asked.

"You didn't sleep with Elsa!" Jack laughed.

"Yes she did." I lied.

"Yeah, and that's why you have all of this blonde hair on you." Jack laughed as he pulled hair off of me. It all shed onto me when I was braiding her hair this morning.

"You got me." I chuckled.

"Rapunzel, why didn't you come back last night?" Elsa wondered.

"You never came and got me." Rapunzel smiled. Elsa seemed to be thinking it over when her eyes got as wide as saucers.

"Oh my god! I'm soooo sorry Punzie!" Elsa apologized.

"It's okay. It's not like I spent the night with a complete stranger." Rapunzel assured.

"Well at least you guys slept good. I kept waking up to Ms. Droolface on my side of the bed." Merida complained.

"It's not my fault I'm a sleep drooler and a sleep talker." Anna defended.

"Or a sleep walker." Elsa added.

"Don't forget about bed hog and her bed head!" Merida snorted. They all continued talking about who wakes up what way when Kristoff leaned over and whispered in my ear.

"Hopefully Anna's sleeping problems will disgust Hans." Kristoff whispered.

"Yeah, hopefully." I chuckled. It suddenly got quiet and I blurted out a thought that had been bugging me all morning.

"Curly, what's one animal that scares you the most?" I blurted.

"Bears." Merida said looking at her plate.

"Why?" I asked. I was making mental notes so I could write my books. I'm making my books about each person's life but in different scenarios. Like Merida's story will take place in Scotland and she'll be a princess. Elsa and Anna will be two princesses torn apart from Elsa's deep secret which will eventually pull them together and so on with the others.

"My dad got in a freak bear accident when I was a wee lad." Merida answered.

"Wee lad." Jack whispered, trying to hold in his laughter.

"Ey wee lamb." Merida said, making Jack pout.

"What happened?" Rapunzel asked. She was always very curious. The boys and I always told Rapunzel her eyes were so big and bright because they were filled with curiosity and wonder.

"My family and I were walking in the woods on our favorite path. This took place way before the triplets were born. Anyways, we were having a jolly good time when I spotted a bear. We slowly backed up, trying to get away from the black beast. The bear felt threatened, so he attacked. My dad told my mum to run and go get help. My mum picked me up and ran, leaving my dad behind. Help came and found my dad with one of his legs clean off. Now, he's an amputee. He always tells us this tale at the dinner table. The boys and I have it memorized." Merida chuckled.

"That's such a scary story, but I'm glad it ended well." Rapunzel smiled.

"What kind of animals live in Norway?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Why are you asking such weird questions?" Hiccup laughed.

"No reason. But does anyone know what animals live in Norway?" I asked again.

"Let me check!" Anna cheered as she searched it on her phone. "Reindeers." Anna smiled.

"What kind of dogs attack bunnies?" I asked.

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