Stupid Blond MC Hitler

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My lips curled into a wicked smile as Jax's eyes met mine then I declared, "Oh, by the way, Gemma, Jax and I are back together." She smirked and laughed before exclaiming,"Yes! Finally! Now stay on the right track, you fucking idiots!"

We all shared a laugh and Jax gave me a kiss before he and Tig rushed to deal with something that Clay had stuck on them, according to Gemma. I hurried over to the door and shut it before I turned to Gemma then declared,"I want a tat. I don't care what it is or where, but I want a tat."

"Who the hell are you and what have you done with my Libby?" she laughed before she stated,"Go talk to Happy or Juice. I'm sure one of them will tat you." I skipped out of the office and immediately begun searching for Juice. I wasn't too familiar with Happy, considering that he wasn't officially a part of the charter and I was pretty sure that he was up in Tacoma or in Bakersfield.

"Juice,I'm calling in a favor." I declared, twisting my fingers together with a devilish glint in my eyes. He sighed, shaking his head, and exclaimed,"Jesus Christ, woman, how many favors are you wanting to owe me?!"

"As many as I please. Now, will you tattoo me? It's a little much and I know it's going to take a lot of time but I really want this." I pleaded, hazel eyes wide with desperation.

"You really want me to die,don't you? First the flirting, now tattooing a minor? You might as well turn me into the Feds, Libby!"

Minor? I am not a minor! Not anymore at least... I pursed my lips, displeased with the fact that he called me a minor, then I mumbled,"I'm not a minor. I'm legally an adult as of three days ago. It's my choice,Juice, and I want a tattoo."

He jerked back in surprise caused by my admission and he inquired,"Does anyone know?"

"Jax and Donna. I don't think anyone else does... Juice, you've gotta keep this a secret. I don't want anyone to make a big deal out of it." He gave a quick nod then declared,"I'm going to get everything. Any particular colors?"

"Black, dark purple,dark blue, and any other color you feel like bringing." I responded, glancing down my body. The tattoo I had been wanting was a full front body tattoo, that traced out one side of my ribs and my left hip. It also had flowers and a butterfly to outline my right hip. (It's up top, but the ribbon isn't there.)

I pulled out the paper that I've had drawn for years then handed it to Juice once he arranged everything on the table who raised his eyebrows at the tattoo.

"You have a death wish for me. A goddamn death wish. Do you want me to die? Jax is gonna kill me over this shit, Libby. In order for me to do this tat-"

"I'm gonna have to take off my shirt and pants separately. Relax, Juice. Jax is out on a run and we can do it in my room. I'll shoot Jax a message and tell him that you're doing a favor for me." I corrected, grabbing the tattoo gun.

I led him to my room after sending Jax this message,Do not enter room. Doing very important business.

You're not cheating on me, are you? ;)-J I snickered to myself then rolled my eyes and replied,No, you psycho. Just putting something together and you're not allowed to see. Later, Blond MC Hitler.

Jesus Christ, I'm serious,Libby. That better be a fucking joke.- J

I shook my head with a laugh then laid out so Juice could begin with my tattoo. I pulled off my shirt,a tanktop underneath it then he turned on the gun, silence covering us like a blanket.

"What's the deal with you and Blond MC Hitler?" Juice asked as he moved lower on my body, my tanktop now gone.

"We're dating,Juice. Jax and I. What more do you want?" I replied, struggling not to move at he begun to add color to the tat.

"Just wondering." he mumbled, going quiet. He let me have a break after he finished the flowers on my right side. I grimaced at the slight pinch of the ink settling into my skin then asked, "What's your deal,Juicy?"

"I feel like an older brother to you and no offense to my VP, but he don't exactly have the rep for relationships. His last steady relationship was... Tara." Tara?

I nodded then took a swing of my coffee before I said,"Back to work, Juice." I laid back down after pulling my shirt back on then wiggled halfway out of my pants,just down to my thighs. He worked his way from the bottom of my hips up and unfortunately for him, my skin was tight because of how tense I was from the pain.

A knock sounded at the door, just as I let out a pained groan then I snapped, "Kinda busy right now." The door opened anyways, revealing Half Sack, and I glared at him.

"Christ, does anyone around here have the decency to walk away when someone say Kinda busy right now." I demanded. Juice was finishing up the tattoo and I glanced at the wall clock to see it had been four hours total for him to do the entire tat.

Finally, I felt the needle move out of my skin and I pulled my pants back up after Juice rubbed lotion on the freshly inked skin then taped a thin layer of gauze for precaution. Turning to Half Sack, I asked,"What the hell do you want?"

"Um, Jax is back and he sent me to get you from your dorm. Sorry if I interrupted you from anything." he informed me. I nodded then sidestepped past him and walked towards the garage parking lot where Jax, Chibs, and Clay was gathered, just chatting about something.

"Hey,baby doll, glad you finally came to see me." Jax greeted, pulling me into him by my waist. I grimaced at the pressure of his hand on my newly inked skin then looked up at him and replied,"Sorry, I was talking with Juicy about Modern Warfare. Big guns and everything."

His blue eyes narrowed and asked with a sharp tone,"Juice? You were hanging out with Juice?" I snickered at his tone then declared,"Whoa there, Blond MC Hitler, easy on the jealousy. I can have friends. Now what'd you want?"

Jax peered over my head and he stiffened before he crushed his lips to mine. My eyes immediately fluttered shut, my dull nails finding purchase in his forearm that was luckily covered by leather,then his devilish hand snuck down and gripped my bottom.

He tasted delicious as always,like his cigarettes and the gum he chews, and the slight moan that slipped through my lips was accidental, though the smirk that stretched across his lips told me that he knew what he did to me. I pulled back,breath heavy, then asked,"What the actual fuck was that, Jackson?"

"Shut up, I'm not done kissing your sexy ass." he snarled, pulling me back to him. I chewed on his bottom lip and slipped my tongue inside before smirking at the feel of my big, bad biker trembling at the kiss.

He pulled away at the sound of Chibs chuckling before shooting the Scotsman a dirty look and growled, "Something funny?"

"Been waiting on yer sorry ass to finally ask the lass out. By those kisses, I'm guessing you already did." he chuckled before pulling me away from Jax.

I hugged him tight and pecked his cheek then murmured, "You're too damn smart for your own good, Scotsman." He shot me a wink then replied,"And you're too gorgeous for Jackie."

I grinned and Jax pulled me back to him before Opie called out, "Hey, looks like Blond MC Hitler finally grew a pair to ask The Brownie Princess out."

"Are you fucking serious? Do you guys really call me that?" Jax demanded, turning to face Opie,Chibs, and I. I nodded and declared, "Yeah."

"Yep." Opie added.

"We sure do." Chibs said. Jax rolled his eyes,only to narrow in towards the entrance of the garage. We all turned to see a cop car roll in.

"Shit." Ope, Chibs, Jax, and I cursed at the same time.

Hey,hey,hey! So, new chapter! Hope you like it. Comment, vote, and share!!

Tell  It To The Crows(a Sons of Anarchy)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora