Chapter 14: To be the princess of the party

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Ever since Sakura and I met, I have been bringing her to the Host Club. She doesn't mind and it's been nice having someone to sit with.

"How do you know how to bake so well?" Sakura asked while breaking an egg into the batter.

"A... a friend." I shrugged it off.

"They taught you well." She smiled brushing her black bangs away from her eyes.

The first batch of cookies were finally cooled as I pulled them off the cooling rack.

"Do you think you can finish up that batch by yourself?" I asked her placing all the cookies neatly on a plate. Sakura nodded. "Ok."

The Host Club was extra crowded today. Mostly due to the fact that all the boys were dressed in suits. It wasn't really a theme, I honestly believe Tamaki was running out of ideas.

"Thanks." A petite girl pulled two cookies off the plate I held out for her.

"No problem." I smiled.

"Hey Tess." Both Hikaru and Koaru spoke to me.

I set the plate of remaining cookies on their table and they all dug in.

"Great as ever." Koaru nodded. Hikaru just blushed when I saw him stuff his face with a whole cookie, I couldn't help but laugh.

Hikaru swallowed down the cookie and began to talk. "So did you hear we are having another dance?"

"Another?" Was I uninformed at the last one.

"Yeah be hand one last year, I think it was before you transferred." Koaru added.

Hikaru shifted in his seat. "Yeah it's tonight so be ready."

I chocked when I inhaled. "Like tonight as in when the sun goes down in today but later??"

"Yeah, that's kinda what tonight means." They both added.

"Now I need a dress and shoes and OMG!" I rushed over to my bag that sat on the windowsill and pulled out my phone to text Grey.

"What are you doing?" Hikaru and Koaru got up and looked over my shoulder.

"Calling my driver to drive me to the nearest dress shop." I snarled as I pulled the phone up to my ear and let it ring.

"It's not until 7." Koaru added.

"I have to find a dress and shoes, then take a shower, do my hair then my nails. It will take a while." The phone stopped ringing and Grey answered.

"Hello? Tess, aere you ok? You never call this early." Grey asked.

I cleared my throat and began in English. "Yeah I'm fine. Do you mind picking me up early? I need to get a dress and shoes for a dance today. Do you think you could drive me to the nearest dress shop?"

"Oh didn't your mother tell you? I have to drive your father to a meeting today. I won't be able to pick you up, your brother is going to." He informed me.

I sighed. "No mother did not, but I thought Kurt had work?" Kurt seemed to be the only reasonable choice to pick me up. After all Bruce lived on his own now.

"Well not today. I guess you could call him and see if he could pick you up early. Don't you have your club though?"

I strained a laugh. "That can wait. More importantly though doesn't Kurt have a-" My phone vibrated and Kurt's name flashed on my screen. "Hold on." I pressed the button.


"Hello to you too." Kurt's manly voice laughed through my phone. "Anyways, when do I need to pick you up from this thing? I just got a coffee, I could be at your school in like 5 but if you need to do-"

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