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*the picture above is an actual people of the people who do the freak show at Venice beach. I've never went into the freak show but I have seen the people who are in it stand out side the place they do it in.*

"Holy shit." Andrew said as we walked out of the freak show. I started laughing at him.

"That was fucking weird as hell." Derek said.

"Damn those people are weirder than me." Nick said and me and Abby started. Laughing really hard.

"What did you guys expect? You were literally walking into something called a freak show." I raised my eyebrows.

"Don't be mean now. I'll have to punish you." Andrew said smirking.

"Oh yeah?" I asked.


"Well I guess I just have to be a good girl then." I said as I got closer and closer to him. Once I got close to his lips I smiled and turned around.

"What was that?" Andrew asked.

"I'm a good girl Andrew." I smirked and grabbed Abbys hand. We started walking to where the tacos were.

I could hear Derek and Nick making fun of him behind us.

"Damn Alex that was savage." Abby said laughing.

"Hello, I am savage." I said and flipped my hair but started laughing.

"Abby your my "date" now." we started holding hands.

"Best friend goals." someone said when they passed us. We smiled at them but got confused when we realized they weren't talking to us.

So we looked behind us. Derek was giving Nick and piggy back ride. I started laughing and go my phone out and started talking pictures. And then snapchated it.

"How is it from up there retainer Steve?" I asked and started laughing.

"Oh, from up here? Well it's pretty nice if I do say so myself." he said looking around and nodding.

"Andrew, give me a piggy back ride?" I said is my sweetest voice.

"He'll no. Not after what you did to me." he crossed his arms. I rolled my eyes but smiled. He's so cute.

"Andrew stop acting like a three year old." Abby said.

"Please Andrew."

"Now now Alex, stop acting like a three year." Abby said.

"Abby, you are not my mother."

"Yes I am."

"No you're not."

"Yes I am."

"No you-"

"A hot single mom? Damn hit me up." Nick said and we all looked at him and then started laughing.

"Nick you're weird as fuck." Andrew said laughing.

"Abby?" she looked at me and then rolled her eyes.

"Get on."

"Yay!" I said and jumped on her back.

"Derek let's race." Abby said.

"Are you sure about that he smirked."

"You're on." she said and then started running. Derek wasn't far behind us.

"You cheated."

"No I didn't."

"Yes you did! Alex is way lighter then Nick!"

"Yeah, but I'm not as strong as you!"

"Guys I'm going to slap both of you if you don't shut up." I said glaring at them.

"Okay, Damn." Derek said.

Once we ordered the tacos we walked down to the beach and sat in the sand.

I love these tacos so much. LA has amazing street tacos.

"Damn these are good." Nick said putting the rest of his taco in his mouth.

"I told you these were good."

"Me and Alex used to come here for lunch every Friday in senior year." Abby said smiling.

"Oh My god. That was so much fun." I said and smiled.

"Yeah, sometimes we would ditch the rest of our classes and stay here until the sun went down."

"Your mom would get so mad, but never stopped us." I said laughing.

"Did you guys know my mom thought we weren't going to graduate?" Abby said laughing.

"If I was you mom I wouldn't either." Nick said shaking his head messing around.

"Nick you are my mom."

"No Alex. Its not Nick. Its Nikki." Abby said laughing.

"Nikki Fleetwood here." we all started laughing.

"Andrew lets go for a walk." I got up and he looked up at me.

"Come on." I helped him up. We locked our fingers together and walked along the beach.

It was silent, but it wasn't awkward. It was nice. He stopped and looked me in the eyes.

"Alex, I've been thinking about doing this half my life." he said smiling.

"But now that I know you feel the same way, Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked looking into my eyes.

"Yes, yes, yes. A thousand yeses!" I said and hugged him. He picked me up and hugged me back tight. We pulled apart and he leaned down and kissed me. It was a sweet small kiss.

"Let's get back to the others." He said still inches away from my face.

"Okay." I smiled and kissed him. My phone went off and I looked down.

Unkown: you shouldn't have done that.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah. It was just my mom asking how I was." I lied.

"Okay, well come on." Andrew knew I was lying but didn't question it. Thank god.

We got to my house and before we went to bad I made sure all the windows and doors were locked.

I layed in bed and snuggled up into Andrews side.

"I love you." Andrew said about to fall asleep.

"I love you too." He kissed my head.

"You're always safe with me." with that we both fell asleep.


Hope you guys liked this chapter :)

Alex and Andrew are finally a thing!!!

But don't forget about Gabe ;-)
Autum xoxo

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