Chapter 32: Perrie's secret

Start from the beginning

The tunnel didn't have any lights, yet there was a street lamp at the end of the tunnel that ended up on the otherside of the gate, so, with my spy skills and disguised clothes, I continued to follow Perrie into the night.


I had been following Perrie for about 30 minutes now, and all we seemed to be doing was walk down a weird ass road whilst Perrie continuously checked herself in the mirror. I was starting to get bored now, and I really had the sudden urge to kick her ass her bringing me here... well, for making me follow her here.

Finally, we reached her destination, which was a big ass house with massive windows and doors and a pretty little garden with a swimming pool in it. She knocked on the house door and waited, adjusting her hair impatiently, before the door opened. I wasn't in the right position to see who opened the door, but she seemed to be quite close with him/her as she gave them a big hug and a little kiss.

As soon as the door shut, I began to run towards the house when I fell over a twig and scratched my knee. Feeling no pain, I just got back up and rann towards the house again. I circled the mysterious building until I heared people talking. I stopped by the window where the voices were coming from and listened to them with great determination.

"Miss me, baby?" I heared Perrie say.

"Uh, yeah, I did," I heared a familiar male voice say.

"Good because I missed you."

"You were only gone for a day, babe," I heared the male voice chuckle.

"I know, but after that terrible incident with the hospital I can't waste my time not being with you!" Perrie said in her unbelievably annoying voice.

I heared some sloppy kissy noises and a door opened and closed.

"Hey Zayn!" I heared another familiar voice say loudly.



I gasped in realisation and shock.

Perrie had been seeing Zayn all this time?

My veins felt as cold as ice, and my body began to tingle. The shock soon got drowned out by anger and sadness.

He had forgotten me, it was official. I meant nothing to him.

Oh get over yourself, you've been gone for 7 months, the back of my mind told me and even though I knew it was true, I still felt jealousy and sadness take over me. How could I expect him to wait for me? That was just selfish...

I was frozen by the sound of more voices filling my ears.

"Hey Zayn!" The boys chorus before I heard Louis mutter, "oh... hey Perrie," 

Oh how I had missed these voices.

"Hi!" Perrie said with her sickly voice.


I heard an awkward silence, and then I decided that I couldn't take it any more. I needed to see them again, I needed to see their faces, their smiles, their shining eyes; but when I looked, I didn't see any smiling or shining eyes. I saw faces taken over by frowns and dullness.

But it was still amazing to see them again. Louis' hair had changed a bit, his hair now quiffing more. Niall's hair was darker than before, his natural colour now shining through. Liam's and Harry's hair styles were the same, of course, even though they had both grown a bit. You couldn't lose those curls now, could you Harry? Then there was Zayn. Perfect Zayn. Just by looking at him I felt old feelings return to the pit of my stomach. His hair was more quiffy and now had a blonde streak running through it. If it was even possible, he looked even better than before.

"You've dyed your hair again..." Niall stated bluntly.

"Yep! Got it done yesterday! What do you think?" Perrie asked.

"It's... nice!" Harry said, trying to smile.

"Unique!" Liam said politely.

Awh, Liam.

"Thanks! So how are you guys?" 

"Fine..." Louis said sadly.

Why are they so sad?

Perrie was about to speak again but Zayn cut her off. "Where's Paul?"

"He's with that lady again, Robyn's mother."

I froze yet again and I felt like puking. My mum; I hadn't seen her for almost a year. I suddenly wanted to cry my eyes out and run into the boy's arms, yet I knew I couldn't.

"Why is Paul with Robyn's mum?" Perrie asked a little too quickly.

"Not sure, I think they're trying to find out where she is," Harry answered looking at his feet and shuffling about.

"Why?" Perrie asked.

"Because she has been missing for over 7 months maybe?" Louis replied loudy with irritation, but Perrie just brushed his tone off and continued to ask questions.

"Any progress?"

"Nope..." Liam popped.

"Too bad," Perrie said with a pretend sulk.

That bitch!

"We'll find her, I'm sure of it!" Niall sighed.

Okay, now I really wanted to cry. They missed me, they really missed me. Well... the boys did, Zayn hadn't really said much since the topic was brought up.

Suddenly, a thought popped up into my mind.

Did the boys know that Perrie was the one who tried to kill Zayn?

I grabbed my notepad and pen from my bag and wrote down the question, then answered with a big cross. Of course they didn't know it was Perrie, otherwise Zayn wouldn't have been dating her.

But didn't Paul know about this? I was sure that I told him about Perrie.

I then wrote down, Why didn't Paul tell Zayn to keep away from Perrie?

"Well, I've got to fly, I have rehersals..." Perrie sighed, giving Zayn a peck on the cheek which immediately sent hatred and jealousy throughout my body.

"At 11: 55PM?" Zayn asked, smirking.

He used to smirk at me like that.

"Yeah, you know the girls!"

"Okay well, I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Sure babe, bye!" I span myself again so that they couldn't see me and I heared the sound of the front door opening and closing before Perrie and I went back off into the dark night.

I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you (One Direction)Where stories live. Discover now