Important A/N

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I'M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN LIKE OVER A MONTH!!!!!!! Right now I'm in the process of writing at LEAST five chapters for the week (not counting this one). They're all gonna be at least 1000 words. YOU GUYS DESERVE MORE FOR PUTTING UP WITH MY PROCRASTINATING, I'M SO SORRY 😣😣😣. It's 9:00 in the morning and I was going to finish a few chapters last night (and by night I mean 4am [when I actually felt motivated to do it]), but my mom took away the charger for me to sleep and my phone had turned off when I was about to start typing. IT'S NOT A GOOD EXCUSE, I'M SORRY.

But I decided I needed to do a list to sort of clarify what the phrases I write are saying when I change to italics or bold.

Bold - Author's notes and names of things being read

{Brackets and bold} - {when I become immature and have to break the fourth wall to say something}

Bold and underline - sound effects

Italics - If it's in a quote, the word is just being emphasized. If it is on it's own paragraph, it's the person who's POV  it is talking to him/herself. There's a difference between his/her thoughts and his/her narration.

Bold and italics - To show the Points of View

Bold + italics + underline - Sometimes at the end to present the cliffhangers

Underline - A sign or paper being read by a character

(~~~~~) - Time skip. I may or may not include how long it is.

And right now I'm living off shitty hot-spot because my internet got disconnected.

If any of you still need clarification on anything else, please let me know!

So, uh. Yeah. That's all folks!

Broken Boy (Septiplier Trash :P) Where stories live. Discover now