"Thank you for your service, Doctor Mendes." I tease with a smile.

He chuckles, making my heart beat even faster. What is he doing to me?

"I will always be glad to come to your rescue." He teases back. There is a pause, but not long afterwards, he breaks it.

"So, Sadie," he says with a warm smile on his face, savoring every syllable of my name. "How did you manage to fall like that?" My mind automatically starts searching for a valuable excuse, but before I even know it, the words slip from my mouth once again.

"I actually was going to talk to you." Raising his eyebrows, his expression of amusement, he waits for further explanation. It is now or never Sadie.

"Well... I know that you already heard this before but..." And I tell him. I tell him how I discovered his songs, how they helped me, how I had crossed the world to see him (making him have a very guilty look once I mentioned how I was extremely unhappy when I found out he was coming nowhere near my city), how his concert made me feel and how it made me have my biggest wish yet, which was to thank him personally. I finished this feeling more accomplished than I had ever felt before. I had achieved what I most desired, which made me feel like a huge weight was taken from my shoulders.

There was silence again after my last "Thank you", and I immediately regretted it all. Poor him, he must have heard this thousands of times already and-

"You really don't know how much that means to me. That's what any songwriter wants to hear." He smiles brightly, his cute dimples manifesting, and I knew he meant it. "And sorry, you know, for not going to your country."

I was about to cut him, tell him that he had nothing to apologize, but my body cut him first. More like my empty stomach, which made a huge roar, one that would make a lion be ashamed of its' own.

I look away from him, embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I have not eaten breakfast yet..." But he simply smiles.

"Don't worry, it happens with me loads of times too. Where's your table?" he asks, and I point to the table, which I see Ella and Bailey eating, sniggering in our direction. When Shawn looks to their direction, Bailey's eyes become wide, and she hides her face. "I think you had enough ice. Lets go then?"

Wait, what?

This news flash takes some time to sink in, and when it does, he is already standing up and going to my table.

I follow him, and he takes the empty seat. The girls' faces are priceless: as Shawn sits down, gives them a friendly smile and says "Hi, I'm Shawn.", they stare incredulously at him, mouths partly open, at how casually he did everything.

"Um, hi..." they mutter. I sit down on my seat, which was next to Shawn, picking up my fork.

"I'm sorry Shawn for having such rude friends. This is Ella," I point my fork at her, "and that's Bailey." I turn my fork slightly to the right. Bailey is still too stunned to say anything, but Ella manages to compose herself, back to her outgoing, self.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I just didn't expect for you to join us. I did not actually think that you were the Shawn. But well, at least Sadie's obsession with you came in handy in identifying you, right?" She says quite cheerfully. Shawn turns to me, his eyebrows raised. I feel heat accumulating in my cheeks with embarrassment. Not like I am embarrassed for being his fan, I am a very proud fan, but how weird must it be to know a person you just met and know nothing about knows everything about you?

I look at Ella dead in the eyes, and mutter, "Thanks, Ella".

"Oh, anytime, Sadie!" She says rather cheerfully, pretending to not detect the irony in my voice with a wave of her hand.

Treat You Better - A Shawn Mendes Fanfic ✔️Where stories live. Discover now