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Black Lives Matter, I can't stress this enough to you guys.

This is too much for my fragile heart and soul, two shootings not even within 24 hours...why are we put to this task? What is it going to take? What is it going to take for these policemen to stop killing our beautiful black men and women?

Police took an oath to protect and serve but I feel safer going into an haunted abandoned building before walking up to one of them. I am terrified for my brother and cousins, are they next? Am I gonna be the next one grieving a death from my own brother?

I cried so many tears last night that my eyes are still puffy today. This is NOT okay. What's happening to us is not okay. We have to take a stand together or nothing will be done.

Look, I know I probably have some white readers but I am here to tell you right now, if you agree with AllLivesMatters, just take my book out of your library now. I cannot stress enough that, we're not worried about ALL Lives because it's not all lives that's are dying. It's the Black lives that are. Why can't people get that through their heads?

I shouldn't have to look at my brother and say "Be safe" because it should already be safe and the crazy thing is I'm telling him that because it's the ones who are suppose to be protecting him, killing him. It shouldn't be like that..

Another 4 year old fatherless child because they had to witness their daddy get shot, another mother grieving about their son's death against the white cop and you know what bugs me? No cop will ever admit it. Just say you killed those men, and to the other cops just say they did an horrible job at their job. Just tell us the truth, I don't want to hear "Well, umm" BULLSHIT.

I am scared for my family but I am also scared for myself. They will target any one of us, none are safe and I'm crying now because I can't believe I'm really typing this right now. I can't believe I'm scared right now just for being black, what is it about me that is worth killing, because my skin is darker, because I talk a different way? What tf is it because I want to know. I shouldn't have to be worried every time my brother goes out of the house.

If you're a cop and you're scared of a black person, that should not be your job. If you are racist and you take the job to serve in a black community, YOU ARE SICK. If you are scared of a black man who is on the ground, of a black man who is in his car, "PROTECTING AND SERVING" SHOULD NOT BE YOUR JOB!

I cannot stress this enough! Let's talk about #WhereIsLavishReynolds , why was she arrested at the scene? Why is she being held just by being a bystander? Where is she? No one has heard from her since she went live on Facebook. Her mother is worried, her family has not talked to her. Where is Lavish Reynolds? Don't tell me we have another Sandra Bland case because if we do, that's just sick. Her child was right there. Her 4 year old child was witnessing you put handcuffs on her mother while she cried.

How does that make you feel? Do you get power over something like that? I want to tell you guys now that, that cop was shook while still pointing the gun at a lifeless body but lets not talk about how they just stood there while the man was slowly dying. That cop was terrified because he knew he did something wrong and he knew that wasn't right but of course nothing will happen to him because when did something ever happen to those murderers?

To ALL my black readers. I Love You. If I don't tell you that enough, here I am telling you now. I appreciate all of you and I am here for you. I care for you. I will fight for you. Be safe my black brothers and sisters. U are a target just for being black. Protect yourself @ all times. Police Brutality has to Stop! We need some Justice!

#RIPAltonSterling , #RIPPhilandoCastile , #WhereIsLavishReynolds , #ALLBlackLivesMatter

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