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A drama party

It's Friday night. The night I decide to stop being a stay at home lump and actually go out and have fun. So I took off from my night shift at the shop and began to pick out my outfit.

Now i'm looking into my closet with dresses that were made for school not for club nights. I don't have anything because i'm not that girl. I'm not that girl who likes to party, I stay home, work, and sleep. It was a schedule that I liked at first until now. Now i'm just annoyed that my closet looks so pitiful.

Walking out my room and slowly creeping down the hall to my sister's room. It takes me awhile to actually put my hand on the knob because I don't know if she'll agree with me going to the edge party. So I slowly twist the knob and creak the door open little by little.  Once the door is halfway open I peak my head into the door and smile. Tori turns from looking into the mirror and gives me an annoyed look.

"What?" Her tone match her expression. I look her up and down before I went on. She had on a mid-thigh black dress with a red belt around the waist to define her hour glass figure. The wavy ruffles at the bottom of the dress slightly flowed out. She had red daring lipstick on lined up perfectly and her long black curls flowed down past her shoulders perfectly.

"I would ask where you're going but I'm too busy being jealous of how beautiful you look over here." My eyes continue to scan her figure and face. I could never compete with Tori, she really was this beautiful girl who knew what she wanted and went for it. I envy her so much but she's my sister and i'm happy she's that way.

Tori rolled her eyes and waved her hands my way. "Oh hush Paige. This is just something I threw on."

"Oh really? Imagine when you actually tried."

"Then you would drop dead." Tori winked my way then smiled. "I'm kidding. It actually took me all week to figure out what I'm wearing tonight and I'm still considering changing."

"Which leads me back to my second thought, where are you going?" I ask going fully into her room and closing the door behind me. No one was home right now but I still felt the need to close the door.

"The edge party tonight." She smirked turning back towards the full length mirror. "I'm meeting someone there."

"Okay please don't tell me that 'someone' is your professor? Seriously, I will leave." I grimace.

"Well then get out." Tori shrugged. Turning around and catching my surprised look. "Look, he isn't as old as you think. He's 29."

"Yes, because that makes it way better and why are you meeting a teacher at a party for teens. Teens Tori something you still are. You're 19 T, only two years older than me. If I was messing with a 29 year old you would go crazy."

"I don't remember you becoming my mom so i'm done talking about this. Why are you in my room anyway because if it's to grill me about something you have no business to be in then you can-" Tori starts getting upset but I interrupt.

"I'm going to the party too and I need something that actually looks good for a club instead of school. Please. I'm sorry." I clasp my hands together and get on my knees. 'Pleaaaaase."

"Oh, why didn't you just lead with that?" Tori smiled widely and basically runs to her closet. "I have something perfect for you.

Tori rummage for a while until she lights up and mumbles a "aha!" and turns to me. The dress was red with a skinny black belt around the waist, no sleeves, and it seem to go to my mid-thigh. This should be interesting.


Tori and I rode with Lee and Darius  which was funny because Darius hasn't been home all week because of 'work' but he can make time to go to a party. Classy. The drive was long and I felt okay the whole way here but now that I'm standing between Lee's mom's car and a large loud building on the edge my heart is beating way too fast. Thoughts to stay in the car crossed my mind but what good would that do? Tori already dolled my face up and by the way she put black lipstick on my lips. I look ridiculous but she says "We have to be opposites and since I'm wearing the black dress with red lips, you'll be red dress and black lips."

1950 // j.b [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now