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Black vs White (Warning: Racial slurs)

Who did Darius piss off that they had to bust our shop window open? He barely was ever here so what was the point? The loud thud was heard all around the street some sat watched us clean while others stared briefly but continued to walk. I was beyond annoyed.

Turning around and looking back at the few people staring with one eyebrow up. "Can I help you?" I said with a bit of attitude. My mom always said I couldn't hold my tongue but it wasn't that I just knew how to speak my mind, I'm not going to let anyone strip me of who I am but I'm off topic.

Everyone started to scatter away slowly and I rolled my eyes. How am I gonna tell my mom that someone threw a brick at the window? Her being paranoid will be a understatement.

I would call the cops but giving them the address to this street would only lead me to a no show. It was hard enough not feeling safe as a black woman to walk the streets because of the way things were but when most cops refuse to help because our skin color it only makes it harder. Not that the cops would make us feel any less fearful ... they're doing most the killings.

Walking back into the shop after picking up and sweeping most of the glass then putting it all into a bucket.

"Y'all done?" I ask the pair who were checking inside the shop window area.

"Yeah, I think so." Alexus mumbles while still examining.

Blowing air into my cheeks making them puff up I set my broom down and exhaled roughly.

"This is all Darius fault!" I scream. "Him walking around with the wrong crowd got us as a target!"

"Hey, hey, You know those white folks don't like us... it could've been anybody." Brandon defended. "Don't be so quick to pin this on your brother."

"Yeah, whatever." I say softly. I knew he was right but this hasn't happened in a whole year. Who would mess with us now?

"I think we should just lock up." I suggest while grabbing my sweater and the shop keys.

Alexus and Brandon nodded their heads. We board up the window and head out the store door. Locking it behind me while suggesting going to the fair.

"I have to be home by 10 so we can't be there all night." Alexus announced. We walked a couple blocks until we could visually see the clown entrance with balloons everywhere.

"I have a curfew too Lex, so we won't be here long." I roll my eyes as we enter the area where the fair begans. We decided to play games first since the ride can be quite prejudice with who goes first and sometimes people jump the line and cause scenes.

This town wasn't always a mixed town. It was all whites at first until the only black family down the street became the second black family across the street and so for.

We were divided in this town and we didn't come together often until things like this... the fair. So when I mean my neighborhood was the "black" neighborhood I mean I lived where the rest of us live because most of the white people moved to the other side of town when we showed up. But that doesn't stop the white people using their privilege to mock us. We aren't nothing but slum to most and I've accepted that because what can I do?

1950 // j.b [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now